Can we "Hot Update" GDScript?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By LazyKnight

In Game Engine like Unity/Unreal, people could use things like Lua to support “Hot Update” feature for their game, so that client could use the latest game without download whole new game installer and reinstall.

I searched topics about “Hot Update” with Godot Engine but seem currently there are no questions about this, and Godot document also didn’t notice this.
So I post this question here.

I know we could use 3rd part extension to implement that feature with LUA, python or whatever. But I’m wondering could we hot update with GDScript?

Any hint or answer is welcome, thanks a lot!

In this question, “Hot Update” means you could just update your project code (GDScript) by download patch from the server, when user reboot the game, the game script will use the latest script. (Like Javascript/Lua/Python).

I know we could use 3rd part extension to implement that feature with LUA, python or whatever. But I’m wondering could we hot update with GDScript?

it depends on what you mean here, how can you “hot-update” with lua python or whatever?

you probably will export your game packed, which means that part of the game is read only, you could send small update packs with the packed update information, but that would required an advanced loading pipeline for your game.

Guilherme Furst | 2018-02-03 14:07

Not sure what hot update means but seems like a regular patch system.

On 2.1 you can create a pck file containing only the updates and load the package from user space, it will replace original resources with the ones in the package if names are the same (can be processed to replace resources “manually” too).

3.0 has a patch system on the export section but I have no idea how it works.

eons | 2018-02-03 15:49

On 2.1 you can create a pck file containing only the updates and load the package from user space, it will replace original resources with the ones in the package if names are the same

I didn’t know Godot already worked that way, can you get source on that information or documentation?

Guilherme Furst | 2018-02-04 21:34

No documentation for that, found it by experimenting with load_resource_pack and zip packages to know the contents, also tried to make some rudimentary patch and DLC type of packages and I remember that worked (on 2.1), but never looked at the limitations.

eons | 2018-02-05 18:20

Not sure what hot update means but seems like a regular patch system.

On 2.1 you can create a pck file containing …

Yes, I’m meaning the patch system, and features like lua/python.
I didn’t find document about that before, thank you for guide.

LazyKnight | 2018-03-09 10:16

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