UPDATE - The below answer was based on a misunderstanding of the original question. See the conversation in comments below for more helpful information. (I wish the forum supported strike-through text for better visibility here…)
You’re probably running into the same misunderstanding as described (and resolved) here:
I have done the same but it does not work.
its Q&A seems to have calling a script, but I seem to have calling a reference on my end.
Also, what is the difference between “class” and “class_name”?
huny | 2022-04-15 16:34
Hmmm… Sorry, looks like I misread your post. What you show should work as expected.
If I create a file named MyClass.gd with this content:
… and then, from another script, do this (for example):
func _ready():
var myClass = MyClass.new()
The function is called and I see called FuncA printed in the console. Is what you’re doing somehow different?
jgodfrey | 2022-04-15 16:42
To your earlier question class_name just registers a name (and, optionally, an icon) for the class represented by the current script. Theclass keyword creates an inner class.
I was trying different things and it worked!
As a matter of fact, I had named the class StateMachine (for clarity for questions).
It did not work with the name StateMachine, but it worked fine with the names MyStateMachine and StateMachine_.
I didn’t understand what was going on, but it worked anyway. Thank you for your patience.