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Asked By | riseofevillink |
So I’m trying to change a label’s text. Currently, both the labels I am trying to change are grandchildren to the node that is trying to change them. This is temporary as right now I am just trying to make sure and see that the system works and is output to the scene.
Now to the actual issue. Whenever I try to run the program it tells me it can’t find the node
func _ready():
func UpdateUI():
$Character/QiLabel.text = "qi: " + str(qi)
$MainMenu/Skills/Skill1.text =
For the first one, I am not sure what the issue is as it worked before and now it doesn’t
as a matter of fact, when I bypass the error for both lines I do see that it does indeed display correctly
For the second one, it also gets the same can’t find node error however as long as I change the text to something else and bypass the error I do see it change the text in-game. . . However, I also have another issue in which I am not sure if I am referencing the name correctly. for context the second one is referencing this on a different script.
func sense_area():
var sense_skill = = "Sense Area"
Edit: you don’t have to answer that second question as I can figure it out myself as long as the first issue is fixed however if you have an answer I wouldn’t mind hearing it.
also here is the error that I am getting in Godot if it helps.
E 0:00:00.773 get_node: Node not found: Character/QiLabel.
<C++ Error> Condition "!node" is true. Returned: __null
<C++ Source> scene/main/node.cpp:1381 @ get_node()
<Stack Trace> @ UpdateUI() @ _ready()