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I have Ubuntu 20.04, i am using GDNative in a project and i can compile for linux just fine but when i compile for windows and i have mingw installed as said in the doc it throw a g++ error "Command line option not found. Did you mean… so this is a compiler error i guess. So how to fix this ? Has anyone compiled for windows under linux please help me.
How exactly are you compiling? From IDE (which one?) from cli, with make, cmake, scons, whatever?
Did you test mingw compilation for other projects?
I have the same os and custom makefile. Everything works ok.
Use Docker. Containers used for official build can be found here.:
I edited the answer to update my script with registry name(this is new security requirement on some distros). If your module still does not build check your Sconstruruct file(one which you wrote for your module) for typos.
My personal interactive mega container for Win/JS/Android: