extends KinematicBody2D
var acceleration = 600
var friction = 600
var maxspeed = 60
var velocity = Vector2.ZERO
func _process(delta):
func movement(delta):
var input = Input.get_vector("ui_left", "ui_right", "ui_up", "ui_down").normalized()
if input == Vector2.ZERO:
if velocity.length() > (friction*delta): velocity -= velocity.normalized()*friction*delta
else: velocity = Vector2.ZERO
velocity += (input*acceleration*delta)
velocity = velocity.limit_length(maxspeed)
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity)
func movement_animation(input):
if input == Vector2.ZERO:
It looks fine but I would like it to be smoother by turning gradually from the current direction to the target direction when changing direction.
For example, if the character is facing right and I change direction to the left, it will run the right-up → up → left-up animation in turn and then finally run the left animation.
Hello! There are 2 possible ways to achieve this I can think of:
you create a rotation animation and use an animation State Machine. You create a “rotating CW” and “rotating CCW” states that plays when you go from the states “facing up” to “facing down”, “facing left” to “facing right”, etc.
you “cheat” and don’t actually make a pixel perfect game and use a tween animation to smoothly rotate from the current orientation to the goal orientation.
The game you showed as an example might be using option 2; but I can’t be sure.