Dev snapshot: Godot 4.4 beta 1

Godot 4.4 beta 1 is finally here! This release had tons of editor quality of life features as well as performance improvements, we know you are going to love it. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, we added embedded game debugging inside the editor!

Game featured: WEBFISHING


WOOOOOOOOOOO!!! :confetti_ball:

We’re almost there! I think. Maybe. Who knows…

I cannot wait for typed dictionaries and UID support.


I always feel so inspired when there’s an update. What a community!


I can’t explain how good they are working for Godot. :skull:


Does anyone noticed Godot 4.4 is much smoother than the other 4x versions, as 3x?

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Don’t jinx it!!!

But yeah we’ve seen a major uptick in early testing in 4.4, even greater than 4.3, so we’re getting a lot of issues figured out earlier than we otherwise would, hoping this trend keeps up! Having people test the new version earlier allows us to catch bugs sooner, leaving us more room later in the cycle to solve recent bugs. Previously we had a bigger portion of the bugs turn up in the beta phase from the early dev phase, so it all crowded up later


Beta1 completely breaks GPUparticles unfortunately. -It will even cause editor to crash on startup.
It’s been fixed in the master branch though, so a build made from master branch today will resolve it :).

Great release, looking forward to beta2