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Asked By |
luislodosm |
How to execute the base code on a virtual method?
Class A:
# Base code
Class B extends Class A:
# Execute "Base code"
# New code
In Unity was base.method()
Reply From: |
deaton64 |
I’ve not done it, but I think it’s like this:
So add a period or full stop (where I come from) to the method.
You are right. Thank you. It’s this anywere in the official docs?
luislodosm | 2020-05-20 21:14
I don’t know. I think I picked it up from here YouTube Video or the next one in the series.
deaton64 | 2020-05-20 21:33
Thank you again!
luislodosm | 2020-05-20 21:48