Export error from png?

Godot Version



Hi everyone,

Exporting my project to Android as apk works fine, but I can’t export as aab.
[Export]: Could not export project files to gradle project.

It appears that in the Editor Output these messages occur:
• Cannot create file

• editor/editor_export.h:254 - Export: Could not export project files to gradle project.

Up until now I never had any issues with exporting to aab… what could be the problem? Is it even possible that something with that .png-file is causing the error?

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Try to re-import it

I did, no use. Seems like some weird bug really.

No clue dude, Might be worth filing on the github

Never mind, it’s a strange one… the earlier backup of the project works fine. I just wondered if maybe anyone knows such png-related issues.

Never had anything like that. Hope it doesn’t happen again