Export to Android - godot apk compiler can't find KEYSTORE file. This Solution didn't help me

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Yozhik

I want to export my project to Android. I’ve got both Android SDK and JDK installed, android studio project created, and wrote everything correctly in export settings as it says the documentation. When I try to export APK file, my compiler says that “could not find keystore, unable to export”. I pasted this keystore file to apk export directory as well, but it didn’t help. Any other tips? Thanks btw

Either you didn’t create the keystore or you showed the wrong path. Type keystore again from the PC and find the file location and add it

ramazan | 2021-12-29 23:09

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: DONOTJUDGEMYCODE

There is a lot of stuff you can try. Here’s a list:

  • If using a debug keystore, make sure to check “Export With Debug” after you press “Export”

  • Make sure to download OpenJDK 8. Only 8. More recent versions will not work. (Go to this link and scroll all the way down to 282-b08, and download the JDK version)

  • Make sure to install Android SDK Build-Tools 29.0.3, and uninstall ALL other build tools versions.

Of course, this is assuming that you followed the docs correctly. If it still doesn’t work, try rereading the docs and making sure you did EVERYTHING it said.

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