First demo of third person shooter

Hi guys,
I’m making a game in my spare time. Here’s the first demo.
It’s a third person shooter. A camera is placed a little bit higher than usual.
Everything is in-progress (models, textures, particles, gameplay and so on). It’s the very first stage of development.
What do you think?

Selene (demo)

P.S. Unfortunately, idk how to insert video from vimeo.


Nice bro.

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Excellent work! The camera switching deserves special admiration - it is not often realized. The environment is a bit interactive, I hope there will be more. No destructible walls planned?

This is a shortcoming of the forum.

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Thank you!

The camera switching deserves special admiration - it is not often realized

I’m not sure about first person view, I made it just for fun and maybe remove it in the future. But if I decided to left it, I’ll make a smooth transition.

The environment is a bit interactive, I hope there will be more.

Yes, I’m gonna make the environment more interactive. I love the chaos on the screen :smiley:

No destructible walls planned?

No, I don’t plan make them destructible. AFAK, it’s a quite difficult task.

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Hi, rate the video on Vimeo so users like me who do not have an account can see it

Hi, bananaholograma
My bad. I’ve set rating. Could you try again?
Also I’ve got the same video on rumble:

It’s not usually done that way, for the reason that it changes gameplay. And it’s hard to balance two different styles of play. But it’s nice to be able to do that.

Depends on the implementation. There are at least two ways to do destruction:

  1. Pre-prepared.

2. Procedural (here is a demo for Godot3, but I ran it in Godot 4.3).

This will add to the chaos :smile_cat:

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Thank you, I’ll think about destruction.
But in this case I should think about level design and AI behavior in a different way.
That’s my first game, and I’m not sure that I could make it properly.

Yeah, that’s a very valid point — the gameplay changes a lot. But it makes the game stand out from the rest. It’s hard to forget the impressive experience of the Red faction.

It certainly makes sense to make things simpler in the first game. But you could introduce very few destructible walls as hidden doors.

This looks pretty awesome.
Love all the particle effects and how the action gets more chaotic over time.

I think it’s fine/preferable to stick to this third person/top down kinda perspective with the kind of gameplay you have.

It’s hard to judge from just the video, but it seems like aiming could be tricky this way. Maybe adding a “laser-pointer” in the aim direction would help, especially with the obstacles in the way.

The gameplay seems to slow down almost like a bullet-time at some parts, is that intentional? could be a great mechanic!

But you could introduce very few destructible walls as hidden doors.

And it’s a pretty good idea, I like it. Thanks.

Thank you!

Maybe adding a “laser-pointer” in the aim direction would help, especially with the obstacles in the way.

You’re right, I should help somehow to aim. A laser-pointer sounds good.

The gameplay seems to slow down almost like a bullet-time at some parts, is that intentional? could be a great mechanic!

Ah, yes. There is a slow-mo. It’s barely visible on the video. When slo-mo is on, the image is more bright. It’s a very simple solution and I’ll remake it in the future.