func _flip():
var angle= (get_global_mouse_position() - $Movement.position).angle()
if angle>(3*PI)/2 and angle <PI/2:
if !(angle>(3*PI)/2) and !(angle <PI/2):
I think it would be easier just to look at the sign of the difference of x components:
func flip():
var direction = sign(get_global_mouse_position().x - $Movement.global_position.x)
if sign < 0:
Note i used global_position for $Movement
Amazing it works now for the sprite how can i also make it flip the gun ?
i modified it like so but it still wont flip the gun
func flip():
var direction = sign(get_global_mouse_position().x - $Movement.global_position.x)
if direction < 0:
Rashid | 2020-07-16 12:33
have you set the gun as a child of the $Movement node?
p7f | 2020-07-16 12:53
both the $Movement and $gun are childs of $Player
Rashid | 2020-07-16 17:44
IDK why it doesn’t flip then. If you share me a minimal project reproducing the issue, i can take a look and try to fix that.
p7f | 2020-07-16 17:47
Really appreciate ! it was a minor mistake instead of flipping horizontally i flpped vertically! and not it works
Rashid | 2020-07-16 20:22
Cool! glad to help
p7f | 2020-07-16 21:05
Hello I’m very new to godot and tried using this for my game. What does the $ mean? Because I’ve tried does $Wizzo (Name of the node for my character) and $Sprite (My sprite) but it still doesn’t work. Any help is appreciated
Phloop | 2021-04-17 14:51
Hey! The $ stands for an animated sprite he has! Movement is simply what he named it.