From the Foundation board

Are these questions for me? I am not a moderator on the Godot-related forum, but on a completely different one. But I can answer.

  1. All questions “why is something not done?” in open source projects should be addressed to the person asking them. The answer is “Need it? — Do it yourself!” Because in such projects there is no obligation to do something concrete. (Well, already answered above).
  2. All the pathos of your post is blown away by the simple fact that you cowardly deleted your first post in the topic.

Not only for a moderator, but it’s good for anyone to ask a question not just others. Ask these questions of yourself first. Your rude behavior on that forum was memorable.


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iam not going to talk more. Do yourself and everyone a favor and
re-read it :point_up_2:

The real problem here its people who believe in the ‘things’ that you and other people, say…

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ITT: People who don’t know what “woke” actually means, making extreme claims for or against it.

Godot’s CM made their politics quite clear by publicly labeling the engine as “wokot.” They hijacked the voice of a community project they don’t own to air their personal grudges.

This wasn’t about supporting LGBTQ+ people, showing decency, or helping anyone. It was about dunking on bigots for clout. Seriously, why not just argue with a random bigot on your personal account instead? Why drag the whole community into it?

But it didn’t stop there. When people pushed back on this nonsense, Godot’s leadership blamed it all on bigotry. They genuinely can’t fathom how commandeering a community project for far-left identity politics might offend not only their target “audience” but also everyone who isn’t a terminally online activist.

And of course, if you criticize them, you’re aligning yourself with the chuds. They clearly think they know better than the rest of us. But guess what? LGBTQ+ people don’t need Godot to “take it to the chuds” to sleep better at night.

It’s clear that Godot’s leadership isn’t fit to lead. This whole mess not only leaves a bad taste in my mouth but also makes me doubt the future prospects of Godot as an engine. SMH my head, just fork it.