From the Foundation board

See personal message, I don’t want to post the link so that the trolls don’t continue to spam there. I trust you that you won’t do it :slight_smile:


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You are right. Support of LGBTQ+ rights is a question of basic human rights. It’s only seen as “being political” by those that oppose those rights.

At least for me, the “woke” post is what finally pushed my to become a supporter. It’s progress, and it’s progressing, like it or not. Get onboard, get out of the way, or get run over.


This doesn’t quickly raise emotions (at least, negative ones) unless the person is a bigot.

Not understanding this one simple truth seems to be the source of a lot of the friction here. It’s not like your preferred flavor of ice cream or even political party affiliation. It’s a question of either supporting human/civil rights for a segment of the population or not.

Yea.Unfortunately the again term “woke”(so over the word) are still harassing people and sending threats to people making forks of godot an osp. Heck even talking about making a more closely based python syntax language is under fire do to it.

It just comes down to admittance and being honest with people. Though I don’t see that happening anytime in the near future.

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There’s actually no neutral when it comes to politics. Any response AND lack of response is a political statement. Silencing political statements with “please stay apolitical” is also political (in a somewhat less apparent way). Retraction of statements or admitting fault is too - which is exactly why the response is minimal.

People who care enough to be switching to Redot are also being political - and you’ll find that people leaning towards the right enough to care about this stuff are the only ones who will do so. In fact, the whole fork has dog whistle written all over it - starting with the initial motivation all the way to red vs. blue logo.

Actually apolitical people will glance over this and go “whew, some drama eh”, move on with their lives, and not care about neutrality or perception of a framework/library they use because it serves as a stepping stone for their goals. You won’t see those people loudly voicing their “I’m going back to Unity unless…” opinions and suffering battle wounds overs dumb stuff like this because they simply don’t care enough. They won’t be forcing Godot CMs to stay silent when it comes to inclusivity.

It’s a piece of MIT licensed software. If it starts forcing rainbow ‘n’ sparkles postprocessing filters you can fork it before releasing your game and remove them. You can also clone it and manually merge PRs you really want to use and rebase for updates if you find the vetting process too slow.

You don’t have to defend yourself when people assume about your politics because of the software you use, you have to avoid those types of people because there’s clearly something wrong with them if they try to ascribe political agenda to using free software (i.e. not financially backing).

The thing happened, most have their opinions on how they would’ve handled it differently, most also lack experience with managing communities this big and can’t foresee how their approach would backfire nor what it would subtly imply with regards to politics, but it’s done and over. Objectively the best thing for Godot team is to distance themselves from this because whatever they say/retract will offend someone - that much is obvious.


after reading the Post.
I think the person that wrote the gitHub issue was problably someone that was banned for asking questions about the engine functionality. Or was just waiting to much time for features.

These are the people calling people bigots and trouble makers. This is the as folks say “woke” mentality. Until responsibility is taken nothing will get better anytime soon.
These people acting like this is why Godot is burning to the ground at a shocking pace after all the good will they gathered.

Of course this your opinion, and i think this is the reason why people are wanting to leave. It should be about games, how the engine works, things in the manual. But fine ban ban ban, do you really think a person that has spent 2 to 3 years on a project is not going to be angry at some things sometimes ?
I dont know why godot moderator team are so afended by that, this is the internet, it always was and it will still be the internet… but fine whatever… ban ban ban and smile


I’m more on the side of the moderators who do this in their free time without being paid.

According to Rocket Dev Chat:
There was too much spamming, it was marked as offtopic.
And anyone who insulted anyone on Discord afterward was banned. The problem is that the trolls and the moderators have different views on what freedom of speech is and what is hate speech. Everyone comes from a different country with different religions, governments and dictators.

I don’t think anyone will be banned forever. If I were the moderator, I would expect an apology from these trolls.

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Removing (perceived) heretics out of the community appears to be imperative for community management, and that’s fine if they deem this strategy to be beneficial. Ultimately it is their project and people can create their own communities.

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I dont know what happened there,
But why does a moderator even has to moderate anything ?
Do you see anyOne using bad language, when asking questions ? Most of the times when someone asks a question if the answer is not on google, noone will even answer it you… Do you see any moderator worried about that ?

Moderators dont know anything about the engine, and they are only intrested in dramas, and public image.
These people get paid money for doing this, most people here dont get paid anything for coding…

Can you think of a job, were all you have to do is to constantly view others peoples conversations ?
It would be more productive if someOne would pay them just for staying sited on a chair looking at a wall.
People who are knowledgeable in markthing, and injecting their own personal MORAL LESSONS, into something someOne else has writen…
Iam sory but, you want something bad. Moderator/Internet policing its the most abusive and discusting job, of recent times. A lot more problamatic than insulting and using bad language, or talk bad about the engine.
[edit] and iam getting flickers on my screen just by writing this…

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Personally, I very rarely use Godot Discord for questions.
There are a lot of users communicating, and due to the high level of activity, questions get lost very quickly.

The job of a Discord moderator is not to answer all questions. But to make sure that the rules are followed.

Some moderators are developers themselves and contribute voluntarily / free of charge, but they don’t know all areas (graphics / sound / operating system, etc.). The community usually helps itself with questions.

[edit] and iam getting flickers on my screen just by writing this…

What exactly do you want to convey with the video? Is this about Discord moderators? I think it’s about moderators from some TV shows.

Video description:

As a moderator, it’s important to remember that you are NOT the star of the show.
Your job is to uplift the real stars of the show: your guests.

In my opinion, this is not part of the job of a Discord moderator :slight_smile:

It was not Godot itself…

It was a twitter manager and maybe a couple of moderators…

The block on github was a bad move, at best. But this does not make the engine becoming evil, or even political… it’s just a tool… you can make a medical games for children with dislexia(which I already have using Unity), or make a Nazi game killing Jews… The tool is the tool… nothing else.

But again… if your complain is about the git block, then I’m 100% with you. And whoever blocked access to the code, should be fired for sure… @godot_team, this is something that you should do. That was totally unacceptable.

The twitter manager, I believe a pep talk should be enough…

I think you are being a bit naive here…

Yes… it’s a basic human right… but is also used politically. Just look at Sweet Baby Inc.

They use games as a tool to propagate an agenda. Their goal, as they clearly stated, is to burn down the game industry. They criticize everyone and everything that do not comply with them. And that, brings opposition. It’s not surprise that those a anti-woke make lists on SBI games to avoid…

And when I say “anti-woke”, I’m not talking about racists or homophobic(although, sadly, those a** tag along). I’m talking about people who just want to enjoy a game, a movie, a book, and have to see those political statements pushed down.

But, at lest for now, I don’t see that coming from Godot… But nowadays, every tiny little small thing is always blown out of proportion.


To clarify, this is what happened and why on GitHub as reported by one of the main contributors and moderators there:

  • They’ve blocked 5 accounts so far
  • All of them opening issues with slurs, threatening and harassing contributors (breaching both Godot’s CoC and GH’s ToS) - also blocking users does NOT prevent download of the engine or source
  • Blocking users doesn’t even prevent them from reading issues and PRs, just
    interacting with them.
  • You can read and download anything from a GitHub repository as an anonymous (not logged in) user.

ahhh good to know…

Yeah… we all are victims of misinformation. I was led to believe that the blocks were also moderator acting politically…

Good to know that was not the case… so one more piece for me to say this whole case was waaaaaaay out of the proportion

What are you doing ? I would not be surprised if someone would read what you ve wrote and would believed that…
It says in the video about moderators:
“The audience didnt come, to this panel to listen to you wax peotic about your vast wisdom on the topic”

As someone who has gone through all the stages from user to moderator, then supermoderator and finally forum administrator, I can tell you that moderating a show and a game-technical forum are slightly different.

A moderator has to share the forum paradigm. In this case, if the moderator is not kicked out and management has not explicitly apologized, then it is management policy.

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I am far from naive, regardless of your opinion on the subject. What I am, however, is fed up the same bigoted talking points like “leave politics out of it” being presented alongside an insistence that I engage with those talking points as if they were legitimate. They are not. They are bigotry.

The language of your post exposes you whether you intended it to or not, just as my support of the original tweet exposes me. I see a rainbow post and, as I support LGBTQ+ rights, I like that. You see it and see something “pushed down” on others. No one reading that won’t recognize it for what it is. The only difference is some people will support your stance and some people won’t. I don’t.

THERE IS NO NEUTRAL STANCE WHEN IT COMES TO HUMAN RIGHTS, and any misuse or attempted co-opting of a rights movement by individual entities (even if I accepted that that was something that is happening, which I do not) wouldn’t make it less of a rights issue.

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Yes, there was significantly less media attention than there was a year ago with “Unity Runtime Fee”. Unity vs Godot:

I disagree with you because Discord / Twitter / GitHub is not a TV show …

like i said previously:
“The audience didnt come, to this panel to listen to you wax peotic about your vast wisdom on the topic”

And it seems like it was exactly what did to me:
( dont worry, this was the 1st time i had problems in a godot forum, but you can make auto your own story, now that the moderator there deleted my comments )

When those tileSets were going on in Gd 3.X why didnt you say anything ?
Do you think that thing resembles a tileSet seen in any other place ?

Why did it took 3 years to make a normal tileSet in Gd 4.X ?
Later on, why did it took 2 years to make a simple flip/rotate feature on the 4.X tileSet ?

If you are such a good moderadtor why are you not aware of this things ? And why dont you say anything ?

Have you ever tried making a game ? And i mean a normal game… Not like those games that you see on the youtube tutorials.

If you tried using tileSets to build a level, you would see that changing the tileColor its the 1st problem you are going to have.
I know its impossible and you cant change the color of a tile texture withOut making a new texture.

But, lets say that by following some of the theorys in good moral manners, like: “the devs are not your employes”, “they are too busy with a lot of work”, “they are the experts and its impossible”, “they are not obliged to do what one person wants, so do it yourSelf”.

In ( short ) you want something do it yourself.

Well that is what i did, and making a tileSet its nothing special its something very easy, that anyone can code.
Now passing it on to godot and make it work on the editor, that is a diferent story. And that its something not all people can do, and i dought any gd dev can do it.
Because the problem doesnt have anything to do with tileSets. It has to do with the engine and the information avaiable, and you will be constantly hiting walls, then more walls, and more walls after that, that dont exist in any other place.

What does a moderator do, in all of this circus ? Do you even know anything about this ? Aside from coming out and throwing moral lessons on to other people faces ? like you did to me on that post…

How about a moral lesson for you ?
Have you tried putting yourSelf in the other people shoes ?
Iam making a tileSet plugIN that works like a photoShop app ( something that is common knowledge and very easy to use ). Once iam done, ill put in asset store for free so anyone can download it. And instead of being criticized by the ‘users’ iam being hammered by the people that are considered the top gurus around here, for things that are not my fault. Things that are related to the engine, and things that are not in the manual, or are too confusing for any normal human being to understand.

If you want to be a moderator, why dont you moderate that, and solve those problems. I think the only way you guys can solve any of this, is to find or ( hire ) someone else to do it for you. It should be easy you dont need anyone, and now since someone has already done it, all you have to do is copy it.
But you know what ? I dought you can even do it, by simply copying it, and get it done in 6 or 10 years from now.
If it wouldnt take you guys so many years to do something, i would be curious to see what kind of twisted ‘tileSet change color’ thing would come out of there.

You know… The problem in here is not the LGBTQ, what people say in twiter or in chats. Its not even you guys not knowing how to do things, and putting down anyOne else who can.

The real problem here its people who believe in the ‘things’ that you and other people, say…
Those that believe in the BS are the real problem…
because this LGBTQ thing and social media thing… Is just a cover Up to keep everyone’s attention away from the real problem. The real problem that is things in engine that are not working, and things that are not in manual, or are in manual and dont work !!! And at some point everyone is going to hit wall, and stay there for about 3 or 4 years, until anything its fixed… Or simply content yourSelft with the krap that is currently avaiable…

I’ll try to answer some of your questions, maybe this will clarify the other questions too. If not, it’s best to write me a personal message. Note, I am just a volunteer developer. I am not a moderator or a paid employee working on the Godot Engine part-time and full-time.

Godot is free. You don’t have to pay for it ! please read up on this topic first.

If you don’t understand what NPO is, then probably no one will be able to help you with your questions and your worldview.

And it seems like it was exactly what did to me: Undo/Redo and tool scripts - Godot Forums Is this now old, an unofficial forum or? I registered there a year ago, but I wasn’t active there.

When those tileSets were going on in Gd 3.X why didnt you say anything ?
Do you think that thing resembles a tileSet seen in any other place ?

Why did it took 3 years to make a normal tileSet in Gd 4.X ?
Later on, why did it took 2 years to make a simple flip/rotate feature on the 4.X tileSet ?

Your questions are very aggressive and demanding. That’s probably why no one wanted to answer it. Or they asked in the wrong place.

Developer-Chat: Godot Contributors Chat
try there, channel: “general”, “2d”, or “asset-pipeline”

GitHub Godot Priorities: Projects · godot · GitHub
Maybe you will find the answers to your questions here yourself.

I don’t know any Discord or forum moderators who do this. This statement is aimed at TV presenters. This forum is also not a TV show.

If you are such a good moderadtor why are you not aware of this things ? And why dont you say anything ?

The job of a Discord and forum moderator is not to answer all questions. But to make sure that the rules are followed.

Some moderators are developers themselves and contribute voluntarily / free of charge, but they don’t know all areas (!!! tileSet !!! / graphics / sound / operating system, etc.). The community usually helps itself with questions.

Godot community: Community – Godot Engine

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