From the Foundation board

The video you provided is a very one-sided representation of the whole situation, as the Godot github was spammed with horrible, nasty PRs just as much as the Redot engine was.

And the video does not provide a source for your claim that:

Could you provide me with a source of that specific claim?


Yes a few days ago I saw some videos that were not OK and would break some laws in some countries, that was clearly hate speech and not freedom of speech. Some were Trump and Elon Musk fans or they wanted attention to generate more money.

A few days ago I saw a report on independent media (not Twitter!). Steam has the same problem as Twitter. There are some groups on Steam that have become highly radicalized and attack Woke values, they think they are politically neutral but are controlled by fascists.

I think too many people have been exposed to ā€œrealā€ fake news and populists since the coronavirus lockdown. Iā€™m curious to see if Redot will be a success, but I donā€™t think it will be for long.


I saw examples.

I predict Redot will replace Godot as the engine of choice and if you donā€™t agree with me, that is fine, no worries.



All right, dude.
Letā€™s wait and watch what itā€™s gonna happenā€¦

A damage was done.

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After 2 days now, only Tomcat could objectively explain his point of view to me. Why itā€™s politics in his situation.

All other have been caught up in the anti-woke wave. What does it take to understand it, read hate and panic messages on Twitter?

In the case of some YouTube videos from Germany, it would even be possible to take legal action against this. Or maybe directly via YouTube so that the hate preachers canā€™t make a profit from it.


Itā€™s OK to dislike how things are being run and to make your voice heard.

Iā€™m surprised someone has to say it.


copy and pasted comment from a few pages ā€œowning woke hatersā€.
This will most likely be flagged as lies or spam.

These are the people calling people bigots and trouble makers. This is the as folks say ā€œwokeā€ mentality. Until responsibility is taken nothing will get better anytime soon.

These people acting like this is why Godot is burning to the ground at a shocking pace after all the good will they gathered. Its a shame because Godot brought me back to wanting to program after stopping in the 90s with QB and VB.

Tested versions
System information

windows 11, god (im a pro christian)
Issue description

The UI and Code is too woke and we need to fully change the engine and fork it again because we are "politically neutral pricks"
Steps to reproduce


Minimal reproduction project (MRP)


I didnā€™t think it was necessary to justify this but hey, apparently all the opinions published since the beginning of the drama on X, Facebook or Youtube are not enough, so hereā€™s why I personally prefer that the engine I use remains neutral on its communication (like Blender does).

Iā€™m not going to directly give my opinion on the Woke movement, I donā€™t think my opinion matters and Iā€™m afraid it will restart a useless debate, and I donā€™t think itā€™s necessary to share my point of view with you.
So Iā€™m just going to say why Iā€™m not comfortable with Godot taking a position on political aspects in general in its communication (or aspects that divide, other than the engine itself of course):

_ It divides the community on improving the engine:
We saw it, the whole drama brought out Redot. In itself it is not a bad thing, but it is a bit of a shame because the time, energy and probably contributions that will perhaps be put on Redot could have been put on Godot.

Afterwards, we will see what becomes of Redot, I follow their discord and I wish them the best, but I find it a bit of a shame to divide the contributions to the engine, and to lose these motivated and probably talented people on Godot.

_ It divides the community on financial contribution:
Same, we have seen some users cancelled their financial contributions.
Afterwards, to be objective, I also see some new users started financial contributing after the drama too. So to see in the coming days / weeks the real impact on Godotā€™s finances.

These first two points make me fear that it will impact the improvement of Godot for the future: the potential loss of certain contributors to the development of the code and the potential financial loss.
But it remains hypothetical and too early to say I guess, I just really hope that it will not impact too much in a negative way the development of Godot.

_ Finally, on a more personal point, I do not want my games to be associated with politics:
Now that many people, especially players, have heard about this drama, I fear that some (I admit not very intelligent, but still potential customers) will associate de facto ā€œgames made with Godot = games that follow the same politics that Godot associates withā€, while I have always done everything to focus my games on gameplay and feeling, and not politics.

I was super proud to have put the Godot logo in the intro of my game in development, with a big thank you to the foundation and the community in the credits, but Iā€™m not sure that itā€™s a good idea now because I donā€™t want my games to be associated with political ideas (once again, by some not very smart potential buyers).
This is a fear I currently have, which is based on some comments Iā€™ve seen, but I may be wrong, we will see in the long term if it is justified or not (in any case my game is still in development so it doesnā€™t change anything for me immediately)

There you go, these are the main points that explain why I preferred Godot to remain neutral in its communication (once again, like Blender).
Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m right, Iā€™m just explaining what I fear that might happen in the future (hoping not of course).
And I understand that other people may not agree with me.

On the other hand, I would just like people who agree that Godot takes a stand for the Woke movement to do this exercise:
How would you react if Godot (or any other tool you use on a daily basis) had taken, for example, anti-Woke positions? Or pro Trump? Or pro Nuclear / Coal / Gas? Or pro War? ā€¦ (Iā€™m deliberately taking very opposite and somewhat extreme cases for my example, but they are really just examples, I donā€™t want to start a debate on these subjects of course)
How would you have reacted?
Would you still be proud to use Godot (or your tool)?

If it doesnā€™t bother you, good for you, but I hope you are open-minded enough to understand that it can bother a bit other people.
If you donā€™t understand the opposing point of view, thatā€™s okay. But you have to accept that this point of view exists for other people. Thatā€™s why I think that, for a game engine, the best and simplest thing is to remain as neutral as possible on off-topic issues.

And finally, last point, even if I prefer that Godot remains neutral, I am not fundamentally against opening certain posts to political debates.
But it must be done with respect, and with respect for all other opinions that are shared respectfully as well (whether neutral or against the opinion of the post). If we are ok to have political debates, it involves some debates, and a debate is not done by banning opposing opinions as I explained in a post above.
As a reminder, this is the main problem here and this is what caused all the drama.
As Voltaire said (if Iā€™m not wrong):
ā€œI disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.ā€


This is an extremely valid concern. Having had some brain power drained off the project - when it was already an underdog - could be catastrophic.

Time will tell. I love godot but now it and redot are imperiled, as the reduced contributions to either project cause a net loss. Nobody wins.


Thatā€™s a plausible explanation, thank you very much! Do you also have statistics on who bought your games and in which country?

Example: If you develop shooter games that are 90% played by men, then you might have a lot of financial loss. But if your games are at least 50% played by women, then it might even be an advantage, after all this shitstorm, that your game was developed with Godot.

The whole drama could even be an advantage for Godot, many games that were developed with Godot didnā€™t look like pure games for men to me.

I canā€™t confirm the Redot panic prediction yet.

The monthly financing 2 days ago at ā‚¬55k right? now itā€™s back to almost ā‚¬57k per month.

Activity on Github looks normal to me for the last 3 days.


Well, thatā€™s good news. Comedic, even. All this commotion and no real impact.


My perspective is that this is a very good thing.

Redot is formed by professional individuals (not activists) who donā€™t want politics pushed by anyone on anyone.

Redot IS the Godot you want.

The parents have taken over development of Godot.


Well, I know at least one developer who went back to Unity just because of this scandal. He didnā€™t make any loud statements, but just left quietly. When I asked him directly, he said ā€œyeah i hate woke stuffā€. I assume he had a good reason for that. We wonā€™t know how many people left quietly.

But I guess the blowback was pretty severe and the lingering effects are inevitable. Now, either way.

But the forces are already dispersed.

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Can you focus on creating the best product possible and not make blatant political posts? Thanks.

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I donā€™t follow what you are saying here. Are you suggesting Redot taking people away from Godot is bad for everyone?

?? Uhā€¦ where did I say that Redot is harmful specifically? He has people working for him who canā€™t already work in Godotā€™s team - so he canā€™t take away people in any way. And Iā€™m not the only one saying that this situation is harmful in its entirety.

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unity engine - woke stuff since 2017ā€¦

Games are still being developed using the Unity engine and are being played by straight white men who are against these values.

I can remember the time before Corona Lockdown, when some companies tried to do ā€œgreen-washingā€ or ā€œgay-washingā€ in order to achieve a better image. Although in reality they havenā€™t tried to enforce these values ā€‹ā€‹internally at all. These companies have also received a lot of shitstorm because of this.


Well, maybe they support not so loudly, but quietly ā€” observing decency. At least, I havenā€™t heard such a ruckus from them as I have now with this scandal. Although this engine is out of my area of interest. But the engine I could change Godot to is characterized by a really detached policy.


I was asking if that was what you meant. Now I am completely confused.

Who is ā€œheā€ in the quote above?

And what did you mean (my original question)?