From the Foundation board

I personally never encountered an issue where someone had to approve my posts, not even day one when I registered.

Posts are hidden if a certain number of people mark a post as being inappropriate, it’s not hidden by the moderators for the most part as far as I know.


When this particular thread first came online they were doing the ‘pending approval’ thing but a few hours in they seemed to have removed that criteria.

The pending review applies to any new account. Every new user’s first post must be approved by a moderator due to the sheer volume of spambots that manage to bypass both our security measures and those of Discourse. Unfortunately, we haven’t yet found an automated filter robust enough to stop these without requiring manual approval for first posts.

We’re exploring potential solutions to address this, but it’s important to note that not all spam is bot-generated. We also face spam from humans who cleverly bypass our filters by posting innocuous content and later editing it to promote things like casinos or illegal services.

While it’s frustrating, I want everyone to understand the reason for this policy. If you hear someone mentioning their post is “pending approval,” it’s because it’s their first time posting on the forum.


Thank you for the thorough reply and explanation. I’ve watched the forums for a bit but my account is a new one here.

Everything is political statement if you intend it to be or not. If we don’t agree with harassment and discrimination of minorities, ethnicities and genders in which a “Woke” mindset aspires to achieve to be inclusive.

We lose respectability by remaining neutral, color washing the Godot brand on the surface and not raising awareness, even within the community.

“Just be an engine and no politics”, and feeling offense for a word is telling on your stance. There is no need to fear a word if we work on understanding context of situations and the intentions of recent events.


I still find it odd other posts to this are being removed or hidden while the people calling people stupid, prejudice, troublemakers , whiners and bigots has yet to have one removed post, even reprimanded. It tends to be a bit telling.


The division exists wether it is apparent or not, and just not taking a stance so you can get as much contributor money as possible is gross. Anti-woke sentiment is in the minority and should not be feared.

I can see that it was cringe, in a embarrassing parent sort of way, to try and ask for the community to show your work and labeling it as “woke”. But what followed with the backlash exposed a part of the community that is really undesirable in general.


Why didnt you apply the same logic for the first timers that you use for the rest of the posts?

If you dont have resources to moderate, then let the people moderate themselves within their rights…

They can mark the post as spam and thats that…

But doing like > This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden. Makes me wonder what could this person possibly said so offensive that it was to be hidden?

Sure this is your kitchen and people should follow your kitchen rules, but dont forget that without people you-community would be nothing.

That’s a shame.
Community should be focused at the engine development, not “political stuffs”.

The CM can support anything that they want to, but he can’t force other people approve his spoken.

Let’s forget this and move on to improve the Godot Engine. No time for disclaimers or politicans discussions that don’t move us for anywhere.

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Kuligs2 and Godotwrks raise points I’d like to see addressed. There have been posts of mine that I consider to be thought out and respectful (no name calling etc.) yet because someone flagged it twice I can’t get my idea out to people. I have looked for, but not been able to find, a place to have it further reviewed and, if still rejected, I want to know what part so I can at least edit that part out. I’d like to do my best to stay within the guidelines but it feels like grasping in the dark.


We can focus on both it’s not hard.

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The forums were made with Discourse, a base / framework for forums. This behaviour wasn’t made specifically after this situation, it has always been present, and any other forum that uses this framework likely has the same behaviour and message to flagged posts.


I think where people are getting worried is one leeches off of the other. Not Symbiotic but parasitic. Sure, if a company is big enough, it takes a bit for the degradation in quality to show but for a small one like Godot it’s a red flag of worse things to come. You’ll have this welcoming community (which I think Godot is) that lets everyone in but now those that seek to do harm have been let in as well. And all under the guise of 'just being a good person. you are a good person too arn’t you? Then you shouldn’t mind the product is going downhill because we are pushing the greater good

Kinda insidious really. This tactic takes advantage of good people who are inclined towards kindness.


Just logging in to say how much I appreciate what you all do. Godot is the bestest engine ever.


Many from the community stand for these values and come from countries where it was politically discussed a long time ago and has now become part of everyday life.

Are you discriminated against in your country if you support woke values?

The whole thing reminds me of the 2021 World Cup in Qatar. When some team leaders were banned from wearing a rainbow armband, it suddenly became political again.

Unity Engine also stands for Woke values Source

If it is forbidden in your country to support Woke values, then the Unity engine would also be unsuitable for you. Maybe also the many games that were developed with Unity. Does your government or religion allow you to play these games?


The twitter post was far more than a joke gone bad. The mod doubled down over and over again and showed who they really were down inside.

Search youtube for commentaries on this and you will see that it is clear godot engine as an organization is being held hostage by activists and is burning to the ground. The problem is far worse than people realize. It isn’t something that just happened. It is simply being exposed.

My prediction is that Redot will quickly replace Godot as Godot loses key talented contributors to Redot.

Waiting for blue Jaun…


There are FAR more people in the community that do not agree with the woke ideology but remain silent because the woke crowd works to cancel them. So many business that went woke got boycotted into submission is the evidence of how small a minority the activists are.

So much talent is heading from Godot to Redot which is at this time managed by professionals who understand political activism has no place in a tech centric environment as it is focused on pushing ideologies instead of fostering communities around tech.


Firstly, the reason I would move away from Godot is due to the talent fleeing Godot to Redot over the activists running Godot.

Secondly, if the Godot forums are being pushed in a certain political direction, that would be good reason to leave for any other alternative.

You cannot divorce the engine from the management unless you fork it like Redot is doing.


Can you provide me with a source of this claim?


You can see examples in this video. It may not be much in some people’s eyes, but i do believe it is the visible part of the iceberg. Remember, most people don’t say anything in politically heated topics because they fear the cancel culture.