From the Foundation board

Not on the company’s representative social accounts. On their own is fine. But this has been said before in this very thread.


Is that not the exact reason why it makes no sense for Godot to talk about or endorse things like these? Why does anyone need to know about anyone else’s sexuality. It is totally irrelevant.

Godot can be 100% inclusive by not talking about any of these issues. It’s a game engine, not an activist. 100% inclusion means EVERYONE is welcome, nothing needs to be said, see Blender as an example. By singling out and focusing support on one group it excludes other groups and creates division, like it or not. There’s no need. They should be focused on building a great game engine. Surely!

At the moment, Redot is looking like a good option to avoid all this in future. Because as things are it will either get worse for Godot or will blow up again pretty soon!


They can do whatever they want.

For everyone else , there is Redot.


Note: Godot is financially supported by the Godot Foundation, a non-profit organization formed on August 23rd, 2022 via the KVK (number 87351919) in the Netherlands

The Netherlands is in the European Union and there are stricter laws. To be on the safe side, it is better to censor too much than less. If the Godot moderators don’t do this, more damage could occur.

Here in the forum thought “Tomcat” yesterday that he was also blocked, but
he wasn’t. Only some of his contributions are temporarily hidden here.

From “rocket dev chat”, Discord/Twitter drama sounds exactly like that to me:

Some people were accidentally banned because there were literally 3000 people saying “stop taking about politics” in some way or another.

Most people that were banned, were banned because we hid the off-topic post and then they would post a slur. So then they screenshotted their “innocent” post, not the thing that actually got them banned, and tried, and succeeded, to start outrage.

The people who had been accidentally banned have largely been unbanned, if anyone hasn’t been we created a form for people to ask to be unblocked on twitter too.


This is going to be my last post on these forums. This horse has been beaten to death several times over and posts like this one show me it is pointless to continue.

The fundamental problem is an activist hijacked a tech forum to push their agenda, and when met with push back, banned those who disagreed. No one should be forced to validate the views or life decisions of another just to participate in a tech forum.



Hmm, your ‘Redot’ advertising was actually politically neutral, just like Switzerland. :switzerland::slightly_smiling_face:

I have a brilliant idea — do we have people from Switzerland in the community? That way, we could get politically neutral advice. So that shitstorms don’t break out again in the future.

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I see you’ve clarified the part about the mass bans. However, I still feel like the situation could happen again because there’s nothing in the note apologizing for the controversial post. Whether intentional or not, it is controversial, and an open-source project should absolutely avoid getting involved in such matters. Don’t you agree?


No, because it was a simple tweet asking for examples of games using those themes. They were not commenting on the subject at hand and giving their opinion on it (outside of being sarcastic with the whole Wokot thing).

They were just looking for examples of where games might have those themes. That would be no different to for example Godot promoting games with those themes during Pride month. Or a game that might have those themes during Black history month for example.

Seriously this has been blown way of out proportion (to a certain degree by the mods as well of course, not disputing that).


Do you honestly believe that anyone involved with Redot wont have some views one way or the other that at some point they might view?

It will happen, so then what are you going to do?


That’s their issue tbh which is personal to them. Godot wasnt commenting on LGBTQ+ issues ,just sarcastically joking about the whole ‘woke’ engine stuff.

If anyone has ‘issues’ with people fitting in to the LGBTQ+ banner or Godot being ‘woke’ thats not Godots fault.


No I don’t think I’m a coward because I don’t want to get involved in this movement or because I don’t support the same things that you think are important.

But thank you for sharing your opinion in such a respectful way, without excluding and insulting points of view different from yours.


So, after I finish the current project it’s goodbye Godot.

And yes, that says everything about me. I have a sign above where I work at my computer that says this:

Whatever you do,
work at it with all your heart,
as working for the Lord,
not for men.

That is true of my martial arts (and instruction), music, and programming.


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Get ready for it. I get the sinking feeling your about to be psycho-analyzed by a keyboard psychologist…

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Something for which I am prepared, and something for which I am not sorry. I’ve been kicked, punched, thrown, hit by a bokken and had more injuries than I can remember.

But I had my say!

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Honest question but what was controversial about it? Really?

They made a sarcastic tweet about ‘woke’ culture (which is ridiculous in itself), which I suspect was the trigger for some.


Just so we’re clear. I wrote a harsh (but fair) post about hiding posts here, after which I thought I might get banned. But I decided to postpone its publication. As time passed, some posts were opened and my post was no longer needed.

However, I am not risking to publish for the third time my post which was blocked first in this thread, then in the hidden thread.

So to speak now of complete freedom of discussion is a bit rash.

Some people were accidentally banned because there were literally 3000 people saying “stop taking about politics” in some way or another.

“Some people were accidentally banned” — I like that a lot.

Most people that were banned, were banned because we hid the off-topic post and then they would post a slur. So then they screenshotted their “innocent” post, not the thing that actually got them banned, and tried, and succeeded, to start outrage.

It should be remembered that this is the point of view of a biased person (the instigator of this scandal) — so what posts were hidden and what exactly (what statements) people were banned for — remains in question.

I suspect that if his message had been separate (detached from all the previous politics), then everyone here would have just laughed and that would have been the end of it. But apparently it was the last straw (trigger).

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Can you provide some context to that, so people can respond, with evidence as I cant find anything online so far.

I dont particularly like religions. but I dont hate people that decide to follow them.


It is difficult to empathize with those who have been silenced when your opinions align with the correct thinking allowed by powerful organizations and governments.

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You keep saying the tweet was sarcastic but other than you saying this over and over I have not seen where the OP CM or anyone above her has come out and said their statement was in sarcasm\irony\tongue in cheek. Can you provide a link where this is actually verified that was their intention? There’s been a lot of back and forth and I could have just missed it.


Again, the main problem was banning all opinions that were different from the original tweet’s opinion or banning people who just asked Godot to stay neutral in his communication.

This is the main problem, it has been mentioned several times here, and for many cases it did not look like bans “by mistake” as mentioned by the Foundation.

Banning trolls, insults, etc. is completely normal. But when you tweet on a subject where community opinions diverge, where there is a debate about Godot’s position on this subject, you have to respect the debate (and as a CM just make sure it remains respectful in all the opinions shared).

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