From the Foundation board

Is Musk currently being ‘silenced’; from spouting conspiracy theories, designed to gaslight people for political purposes? No and he has ‘silenced’ plenty of people off his platform, whilst at the same time saying that he is maintaining freedom of speech. He’s opne of the richest people in the world and has a platform with billions of users. Godot is nothing compared to that.#

But I dont see people on ‘the other side of the argument’ screaming about Musk having that much unchecked power. So what you said works against you as well.

The issue is that people don’t seem to understand the correlation between freedom of speech and consequences of actions.

Godot said themselves that if people thought they were unfairly banned then to contact them. I dont disagree with that part off the ‘drama’ though, it could have been handled better.

But saying that people are being ‘silenced’ it downright ridiculous, we are not privy to all the comments that were made to the foundation members as some would have been private communications.

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Of course it was sarcasm , you think that tweeting something like ‘Wokot’ wasn’t?

Seriously? That doesn’t need to be explained by anyone. It was blatantly sarcastic.

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This is whataboutism - you don’t have to introspect about your own flaws because some other person did something.

I invite you to ponder your callousness towards the minds and hearts of others, in isolation from other facts and concepts.


Actually, it’s the problem of those who ban — if they have acted improperly, they should be the ones to work hard and make things right. They should be the ones looking for the unfairly banned and removing the bans. Simple decency.

When you make jokes, you have to realize that not everyone’s sense of humor is the same as yours. And there are some jokes that sound a little too sharp for people.


It didn’t come across as that to me. And I still haven’t seen anything from the CM or anyone of higher pay-grade than her saying anything along the lines 'Oh wow this got blown out of proportion. We were just trying to make a joke". I will buy your argument that it’s sarcasm when I see them say so and not others who are not representing the company that try to speak on Godot’s behalf.


I myself consider anti capitalism extremely based, but it is worth pointing out the founder made a manifesto years ago that was strongly anti-capitalist. Pair that with the fact that that CM was not instantly fired, I have a very hard time thinking any of this was sarcastic.


It was certainly controversial, by definition, ‘giving rise or likely to give rise to public disagreement’ (from Google). The person who posted it knew it was controversial but still chose to post it. I don’t even know what “woke” really means, but I know many people are against it. The post essentially conveyed the message, “I’m announcing here that the Godot Engine is or supports being woke.”. It should actually be totally neutral. After all, why would an open-source game engine make jokes or use sarcasm in the first place?


That was a response to your comment “They don’t raise emotions in me. Why would someone else’s sexuality be any concern of you or I?”…

So it clearly IS a concern for you. It seems that really you do think Godot should act as an activist for a certain communities. That’s fine if that what you think. But if Godot is endorsing these things, you should not be surprised when the largely silent majority of people that are only here to make games get annoyed. Because everyone can see this is hugely damaging for Godot.

We had Pride Month back in June. During that month Godot (on X) promoted games from LBTGQ+ developers. No benefit or similar promotions for other devs btw. That’s long gone now, so why was it even topic a few days ago? Well, It’s because the X account manager is, and still is an activist, one that seems to be supported by the foundation.

Will Godot’s X account now promote mainly LBGTQ+ games at the expense of others? Seems like it!

Like almost everyone here, I came here to make games, not to be dictated to and have cultural and political issues rammed down my throat. I never thought for one second that this would be happening here. It’s a real shame Godot now appears to be on a path of self-destruction, when all it had to do was to be for everyone :frowning: Thank goodness there are other forks out there!


Thank goodness for FOSS. I get the feeling this situation will be studied at colleges and universities in years to come as a case study of human behavior and how economic models behave.

Sarcastically …

I don’t see how anyone could read it in any other way… You yourself admit you have no idea what ‘woke’ is even supposed to mean (neither do I), even the people who purportedly peddle those ideas don’t.

Its a made up word that most people don’t even take seriously, hence the tweet shouldnt be taken seriously.

Unfortunately some have , because they have their own agenda.

After what happened here I started to take him very seriously.


To the ridiculous drama that its created, yes. Nothing more.

I never said that in any way, dont put words into my mouth. Asking people to showcase LGBTQ+ projects is not being an activist.

Ah the old ‘silent majority’, in reality a very small minority of people actually care about the ‘drama’.

Because an article came out saying that game engines were ‘woke’, prompting the response (which wasn’t meant to be taken seriously)

Now you are just being silly.

Your not, its a massive overreaction on yours and other part.


They dont need to put out a statement like that.

Of course it was sarcastic …


Seriously, if you think this isn;t sarcasm then you are just looking for an excuse to moan about something. Which is the default for most it seems these days.

Trying to find drama where there isn’t any is the internets MO at this point. Whilst a the same time ignoring the real dangerous people (i.e. Musk)


Finally, some decent, solid arguments.


Call me silly, but I would prefer that an essential piece of software that I’ve invested many hundreds, even thousands of hours using did not pick sides in a culture war, endorse one side or another or hire activists to manage communities. As we can see, things have gone south rather quickly.

And RE “sarcasm”, remember that, many a truth is said in sarcasm. Sarcasm is often used as a truth-teller. Coming from an activist this sarcasm is clearly very thin.



I hate sounding pompous, but I think a history lesson is in order.

Woke first meant awake to the realities around oneself. A red pill before the red pill. It was progressives who coined the term.

Over time it’s come to be seen as a pejorative label for progressive individuals and philosophy. Ironically, like social justice warrior, it’s a term that progressives created for themselves and have abandoned since the right wing began calling them that.

I wonder what it is about the progressive communtiy that so desperately wants to avoid even the labels they gave themselves.

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I will agree that everyone is limited to their sphere of influence and can’t be physically part every movement. We are finite beings and it is our choice.

But not taking an action is still a political stance, if you intend it to be or not. This is true for individuals and organizations. There is no escaping politics, and you will have to live with your actions.

Godot has a responsibility to protect it’s communication, and if a part of the community becomes targeted. Not taking a stance will have a negative impact on it and the community.

As someone ( @MonsieurNoobNoob ) who only joined the community two days ago I question your motivation and your stake in this community. You only came here to argue politics and don’t have any real commitments to the community. In your own words, [you] “don’t need to get involved with this movement.”

Just remember Godot doesn’t need to be harassed for its political views, and this isn’t Godot’s fault we are having this discussion now.


This and the “coward” before, I would really like you to stop the presumptions and personal attacks please, thank you.

And yeah, if you want to know:
I have been following Godot development for 2/3 years, I have been using it for 1 year and yes I registered to comment on this post 2 days ago because I had an opinion to share on this topic, and it seemed to me that this forum was a healthier space than X to comment on this event (even if some of the last posts make me doubt that now)

And if you look at my previous posts precisely, you will see that, unlike other people here, I try to be respectful of everyone, and of all opinions, even those that oppose mine.


I’ll admit I’d lurked for a long time before making this account.

It’s precisely because I see something that is an immanent threat to this community that I decided to start speaking my truth.

It’s also fully feasible that people don’t want their main accounts banned but still want to have a say in something they care about very much.

Not everyone has the privilege of possessing right-think that the mods like to protect.

Here. I still had the file open and lunch wasn’t out yet.