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Published before Godot 3 was released.
Hi I have made an app n its working fine in editor but on exporting it to my Android Device it dont works n the godot splash is constantly flickering . Can anyone pls tell me how to fix it ?
And out of nowhere it worked. I did a process of elimination to pinpoint exactly what the might be by diffing the projects and re-adding settings.
In the end I saw that the setting: ‘run/low_processor_mode’ in the file: ‘godot.project’ was set to ‘true’. Removing this line (set to false by default) resolved my issue for the screen flickering on Android.
I hope this helps for anyone encountering the same issue. Just started with Godot and I really enjoy it :).
Thanks for this, that solved the flickering problem in Android! I had this line on _ready func on my main node:
I experienced this recently,It turned out to be a syntax error in the code. Make sure all inbuilt functions are spelt correctly and make sure your code is properly indented