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I’m running Ubuntu 20.04. To install Godot (mono version) on this OS, you must install mono-complete. I do most of my development in VSCode and would like to use it with Godot. However, the c# plugin for VSCode requires .net core. Installing .net core via sudo snap install dotnet-runtime-31 --classic and creating an alias breaks Godot.
I’ve suppressed the errors from the c# plugin, but is there a way to get Godot to play nice with VSCode? Maybe a way to tell Godot to ignore the dotnet package or vice versa?
Alternately do I really need the c# package? Are there others that work well with Godot?
this worked for me, before i switched to gdscript
snap works best for vscode or vscode-insiders but for dotnet apt-get is recomended
i think
Thanks for the response! The issue I’m having is when I install it from the snap VSCode works but Godot then breaks. I tried installing it from the package manager but I haven’t been able to get that to work with vscode.
I use Godot C# with the latest version of KDE Neon which is basically Ubuntu 20.04, what I did was
Install mono-devel
Install VSCode direcly from the official .deb package (Flatpak version wasn’t fully working with Godot)
Setup Godot editor’s settings to use VSCode as the external editor.
Install C#, Mono Debug, C# Tools for Godot and godot-tools (probably don’t need this last one) plugins in VSCode.
And it works perfectly. I never needed .net core to work with the C# plugin, that’s weird. There are some tutorials on youtube which worked for me on how to setup vscode for Godot.
Hey thanks for the reply, I’ll give it a shot this weekend!
viper161616 | 2020-08-31 23:30
I did a full fresh install of Ubuntu, followed teh steps but still get the same error:
fail]: OmniSharp.MSBuild.ProjectLoader
The reference assemblies for .NETFramework,Version=v4.7 were not found. To resolve this, install the Developer Pack (SDK/Targeting Pack) for this framework version or retarget your application. You can download .NET Framework Developer Packs at
Similar to before, if I install dotnet I just get a bunch of other errors. I can still build my Godot projects from Godot - but it would be nice to get things working in VSCode as well.
viper161616 | 2020-09-14 02:23
Install C#, Mono Debug, C# Tools for Godot and godot-tools
In VSCode, go to File > Preferences > Settings > Extensions > C# Configuration > Change “Omnisharp: Use Global Mono” (you can search for it if the menu is too long) to “Always”