Hide button in another scene.

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Dolpi

Hello, I need to create a script which press to button in the “scene number 1” be able to hide a button in the “scene number 2”. Is it way how to do that? Thank you for your help.

Are your scenes instanced at the same time? like, present in the scene tree at the same time? Or are you talking about two separate scenes which you load with change_scene()?

Note: if you search for “from another scene” in this website you will see tons of other questions about communicating between nodes Search results for from another scene - Godot Engine - Q&A

Zylann | 2022-02-25 13:41

Hello, thank you for your answer. I’m using separate scenes.

Dolpi | 2022-02-26 17:04

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Dolpi

Hello, thank you for your answer. I’m using separate scenes.