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Asked By | MaaaxiKing |
My SceneTree:
Game (Node)
Player (KinematicBody2D) (instanced, script attached) (has an AnimatedSprite as a child with
connected to the player script)
Ball (RigidBody2D) (instanced, script attached)
In the player script I tried:
func _on_AnimatedSprite_animation_finished():
How can I call a function on the Ball or change some of its properties?
The thing is I don’t know, that when you instance the ball, what is it a child of?? This information is kinda nececarry.
Czselu349 | 2020-06-24 20:30
I instanced the scene even before the game has started. The Ball is child of Game.
MaaaxiKing | 2020-06-24 20:38