How can I rotate an array of array ?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Nimajjj

There is my problem:
I have an array of array and i want to rotate it n time by 90°:
For exemple, go from:

[1, 1, 1],
[1, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 1],
[1, 1, 1],


[1, 0, 1, 1],
[1, 0, 0, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1],

As a goddot beginner this problem is really too abstract for me, even in python i don’t manage to succeed.
Also sorry for bad english i am a beginner too.

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: dugtrioramen

I don’t know if this is the most efficient way to do it, but this should work.
It’s pretty simple. Create a new 2d array, with the opposite dimensions (flip width and height). Then just fill it up with the reversed indices.

Edit: exuin’s answer is better

func rotate_array(arr):
	var height = arr.size()
	var width = arr.front().size()
	var new_arr = []

	# Make a 2d array
	for i in range(width):
		var row = []

	# Swap the rows and columns
	for i in range(height):
		for j in range(width):
			new_arr[j][i] = arr[height - i - 1][j]

	return new_arr

Nevermind, I just realized this is not what you wanted.
For what you want, I think it might be better to use a dictionary rather than a 2d array. I’ll try to work out an actual solution

dugtrioramen | 2021-01-17 03:50

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: exuin
# Rotates array 90 degrees clockwise, assuming that array is a full rectangle (all rows same size)
func rotate_array(arr) -> Array:
	var new_arr = []
	for i in range(len(arr[0])):
		var row = []
		for j in range(len(arr)):
			row.append(arr[len(arr) - j - 1][i])
	return new_arr

To build on your super helpful answer:

func rotate_array(arr,count):
	for _c in range(count):
		var new_arr = []
		for i in range(len(arr[0])):
			var row = []
			for j in range(len(arr)):
				row.append(arr[len(arr) - j - 1][i])
	return arr

I’ve added a simple rotate 90° this many times counter.

This gives the benefit of easily rotating or horizontal / vertical flipping [mirroring] any array [like a tilemap for a level].

One could also simulate counter-clockwise rotation for a Tetris-like game.

Currently, I’m using this function for game level generation that is similar to Spelunky.

ill13 | 2022-12-30 14:35