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Asked By | Ben Rolfe |
I have all my icons packed in a single texture, which is great when I’m using them in sprites, but now I want to use them in my UI - I’d like to position several icons next to each other using an HBoxContainer.
My problem is that I can’t work out how to only display ONE of my icons from the texture using a TextureRect - I can only display the whole texture (using stretch mode: tile, I can show only part of the texture, but it’s always the top-left part)
I tried using sprites instead, because I can provide a UV offset with those, but I couldn’t get the HBoxContainer to control their positions. My options seem to be to divide the icons into individual textures, or maybe write a shader, but I’m hoping I’m missing something obvious.
Is there any way to show a specified part of a texture using a TextureRect or other control node?