Attention | Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. | |
Asked By | Dylised |
here is my code:
extends KinematicBody
enum State {IDLE, RUN, JUMP, FALL}
const JUMP_SPEED = 10
const JUMP_FRAMES = 5
const HOP_FRAMES = 5
export var mouse_y_sens = .19
export var mouse_x_sens = .19
export var move_speed = 20
export var acceleration = 20
export var gravity = -10
export var friction = 1.15
export var max_climb_angle = .6
export var angle_of_freedom = 80
export var boost_accumulation_speed = 1
export var max_boost_multiplier = 2
Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
$Tween.connect(“tween_all_completed”, self, “_on_tween_all_completed”)
func _physics_process(delta):
Handles mouse movement
func _input(event):
if event is InputEventMouseMotion && Input.get_mouse_mode() == Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED:
rotate_y(deg2rad(event.relative.x * mouse_y_sens * -1))
$UpperCollider/Camera.rotate_x(deg2rad(event.relative.y * mouse_x_sens * -1))
var camera_rot = $UpperCollider/Camera.rotation_degrees
camera_rot.x = clamp(camera_rot.x, 90 + angle_of_freedom * -1, 90 + angle_of_freedom)
$UpperCollider/Camera.rotation_degrees = camera_rot
var inbetween = false
func _on_tween_all_completed():
inbetween = false
crouch_floor = false
var state = State.FALL
var on_floor = false
var frames = 0
var crouching = false
var crouch_floor = false #true if started crouching on the floor
var input_dir = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
func _process_input(delta):
# Toggle mouse capture
if Input.is_action_just_pressed(“ui_cancel”):
if Input.get_mouse_mode() == Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE:
# Jump
if Input.is_action_pressed("jump") && on_floor && state != State.FALL && (frames == 0 || frames > JUMP_FRAMES + 1):
frames = 0
state = State.JUMP
# Crouch
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("crouch"):
if on_floor:
crouch_floor = true
crouching = true
$Tween.interpolate_property($LowerCollider, "translation",
Vector3(0, -.25, 0), Vector3(0,.25, 0), .1, Tween.TRANS_LINEAR)
inbetween = true
if Input.is_action_just_released("crouch"):
crouching = false
$Tween.interpolate_property($LowerCollider, "translation",
Vector3(0, .25, 0), Vector3(0, -.25, 0), .1, Tween.TRANS_LINEAR)
inbetween = true
input_dir = Vector3(Input.get_action_strength("right") - Input.get_action_strength("left"),
Input.get_action_strength("back") - Input.get_action_strength("forward")).normalized()
var collision : KinematicCollision # Stores the collision from move_and_collide
var velocity := Vector3(0, 0, 0)
var rotation_buf = rotation # used to calculate rotation delta for air strafing
var turn_boost = 1
func _process_movement(delta):
# state management
if !collision:
on_floor = false
if state != State.JUMP:
state = State.FALL
if state == State.JUMP:
elif < max_climb_angle:
state = State.FALL
on_floor = true
if input_dir.length() > .1 && (frames > JUMP_FRAMES+HOP_FRAMES || frames == 0):
state = State.RUN
turn_boost = 1
state = State.IDLE
#jump state
if state == State.JUMP && frames < JUMP_FRAMES:
velocity.y = JUMP_SPEED
frames += 1 * delta * 60
elif state == State.JUMP:
state = State.FALL
#fall state
if state == State.FALL:
if inbetween && crouching && crouch_floor:
velocity.y = gravity;
if velocity.y > gravity:
velocity.y += gravity * delta * 4
#run state
if state == State.RUN:
velocity += input_dir.rotated(Vector3(0, 1, 0), rotation.y) * acceleration
if Vector2(velocity.x, velocity.z).length() > (move_speed/2 if crouching else move_speed):
velocity = velocity.normalized() * (move_speed/2 if crouching else move_speed)
velocity.y = ((Vector3(velocity.x, 0, velocity.z).dot(collision.normal)) * -1)
# fake gravity to keep character on the ground
# increase if player is falling down slopes instead of running
velocity.y -= .0001 + (int(velocity.y < 0) * 1.1)
#idle state
if state == State.IDLE && frames < HOP_FRAMES + JUMP_FRAMES:
frames += 1 * delta * 60
elif state == State.IDLE:
turn_boost = 1
if velocity.length() > .5:
velocity /= friction
velocity.y = ((Vector3(velocity.x, 0, velocity.z).dot(collision.normal)) * -1) - .0001
#air strafe
if state > 2:
#x axis movement
var rotation_d = rotation - rotation_buf
if input_dir.x > .1 && rotation_d.y < 0:
velocity = velocity.rotated(Vector3.UP, rotation_d.y )
turn_boost += boost_accumulation_speed * delta
elif input_dir.x < -.1 && rotation_d.y > 0:
velocity = velocity.rotated(Vector3.UP, rotation_d.y )
turn_boost += boost_accumulation_speed * delta
if abs(input_dir.x) < .1 && on_floor:
#z axis movement
var movement_vector = Vector3(0,0,input_dir.z).rotated(Vector3(0, 1, 0), rotation.y) * move_speed /2
if movement_vector.length() < .1:
velocity = velocity
elif Vector2(velocity.x, velocity.z).length() < move_speed:
var xy = Vector2(movement_vector.x , movement_vector.z).normalized()
velocity += Vector3(xy.x, 0, xy.y) * acceleration
turn_boost = clamp(turn_boost, 1, max_boost_multiplier)
rotation_buf = rotation
if velocity.length() >= .5 || inbetween:
collision = move_and_collide(velocity * Vector3(turn_boost, 1, turn_boost) * delta)
velocity = Vector3(0, velocity.y, 0)
if collision:
if < .5:
velocity.y += delta * gravity
clamp(velocity.y, gravity, 9999)
velocity = velocity.slide(collision.normal).normalized() * velocity.length()
elif turn_boost > 1.01:
velocity = Vector3(velocity.x, velocity.y + ((Vector3(velocity.x, 0, velocity.z).dot(collision.normal)) * - 2) , velocity.z)
velocity = velocity