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I have been facing a doubt regarding the invisible bottom menu present in some more modern Android 10 phones. There is an option in the Display/Window settings called “Hide Home Indicator”, however it is not working on Android and the bottom menu it even opens with the app but disappears as soon as I click on the “back button” and it doesn’t work like the fixed back button on older devices. My question is: is there any way to keep this menu fixed and visible to work like an old device? Because in many modern apps it stays there when you open the app but not mine. Is there any permission when exporting that activates the menu permanently?
Edit: After some research, I saw that the correct name for this menu is “navigation bar”. When I open my app, the navigation bar and the status bar disappear, just like when you open a video in fullscreen.
I also have a similar problem, when entering audio or audio files. My navigation bar is often pressed. This makes it difficult for me to be selective about the tracks or audio files but have to search manually which takes them a lot of time.
There are places that provide a fairly efficient sound to the devices. is one of them. If anyone has any other suggestions, you can refer to them.
In my opinion, I don’t like using the navigation bar on Android. Gesture manipulation makes me feel more comfortable. Check here for interesting ringtones: