if you go down into the colour settings, you should enable colour ramp. I haven’t used unity’s system, but I assume this acts similar. Then create a new gradient.
This gradient is followed over time, so if you want a fade over time effect, you should set white (255, 255, 255, 255) at the start, then at the end do transparent and white (255, 255, 255, 0)
Then over a particle’s lifetime, it will follow the colour of the ramp and become more transparent.
hope this helps!
This is it! This is the answer. Thank you so much.
To add to RedBlueCarrots’ answer, in case of 3D particles, make sure that in the material for geometry instance, check the box for [ Vertex Color > Use as Albedo ]
Weirdly the editor filter/search doesn’t show it, but the option is located under: Process Material > Display > Color Curves > Color Ramp (docs article)