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ramazan |
enemy script:
var player = get_parent().get_node(“player”) = find player .
look_at(player.global_transform.origin, Vector3.UP)
I forgot to mention, my game is 2D, so how would that go
WorkedPython | 2021-12-26 05:13
var player = getparent().getnode(“player”) = find player
ramazan | 2021-12-26 09:32
it says player is not define in the current scope, I tried changing the name to the scene name and it still didn’t work
this is my structure btw:
Player <------- this Node is what i want the enemy to look at
Ring <------ is just kind the background
Enemy <------ tryna write script for this node
btw the Player, Ring and the Enemy nodes are scenes that i have instanced into the main scene
WorkedPython | 2021-12-26 13:46
— Enemy (script is here)
var player = get_parent().get_node(“Player” , “Camera2D”, “Ring”)
— Enemy
--------Another Node(script is here). (child Enemy)
var player = get_parent().get_parent().get_node(“Player” , “Camera2D”, “Ring”)
ramazan | 2021-12-26 14:47
just to clarify the structure goes like this (my bad I didn’t realise the spaces didn’t show up)
also because the enemy is like a separate scene, the player does not exist with it because when I code for the Enemy, it is assuming the structure of the enemy scene which look like
the enemy exists separately as it is in a different, same with the player scene, it is just that I instanced both the player scene and the enemy scene to the main scene, I am pretty sure that is why it isn’t working. I’m very new to GDscript btw
WorkedPython | 2021-12-27 06:32
Thanks man, I’m sure it will help me, but when I said new, I meant I know a bit more than a beginner, but not enough to make a full game solo
WorkedPython | 2021-12-28 14:25
sorry friend. I think maybe I didn’t understand the problem clearly.
ramazan | 2021-12-29 08:40