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GlitchedCode |
There is one step you are missing here to include a nodes children, that would be to set the owner. So using your example code here:
func save():
var save = PackedScene.new()
for c in self.get_children():
ResourceSaver.save(save, "res://lista de clientes/JDC.tscn");
Remember to set the owner before you pack it, this will now save itself and it’s immediate children. As a side note, if c in this case has children, you will also need to loop through these and set owner to self so the for loop would then become
for c in self.get_children():
for a in c.get_children():
Okay, it kinda worked, but when it loads, all the variables were reset to the default
if your variable is exported, it will have the appropriate flags set to be saved
GlitchedCode | 2023-03-24 21:43
Okay, i used the @export thingy on the variables i wanted and it kinda works
But everytime i use it in a array that stores the Nodes inside the parent variable it crashes
It might me because i’m declaring the array wrong
@export var clientes:=[];
Nope, you are declaring it correctly. When I export and use an array, the same one you posted, it seems to save just fine with its children and a random value appended to it just fine. I tried with the node paths and it was fine, as well as getting a node with $ and storing it. Getting the node of course caused an empty entry, but it did not crash.
Could I see the code as you are writing it, so I can try to replicate this crash and if so, help try to find the reason why.
GlitchedCode | 2023-03-27 23:51
I noticed i was doing an infinite loop inside the object, sorry XD.
But thanks, you were of immense help!!