How long does it take for a beginner to become a full-time solo developer with Godot?

22 y’o, been playing video games since 2006.

I have a full-time job in the gaming industry now, which, on paper, is a dream come true, but to be honest, I really hate it.

I work for a company where the devs are mainly focused on easy cash grabs, and there’s no passion for creating meaningful or innovative projects. That’s why I’ve been thinking about transitioning to becoming a solo game developer.

My goal is to work in the gaming industry without being tied to companies like this, and to create games that I’m proud of.

Don’t get me wrong though, I’m not planning on quitting my job anytime soon. It’s still what pays the bills and keeps me afloat. So realistically, I know that I’ll be learning game development in my spare time for a long while.

The thing is, I have no background in game development—my degree is in literature, and I have no programming experience at all. I’m starting from scratch, and it’s overwhelming, but I’m determined. I know it’ll take time, but I’d love some advice on how to manage learning this as a complete beginner, especially while balancing a full-time job.

How long do you think it might take to reach a level where I can start supporting myself as a solo indie developer?


That is a loaded question that no one can answer with any accuracy. It’s a combination of skill, market circumstances, and blind luck. The latter being a huge component.

Probably years.

Don’t harp too hard on the cash grab. Survival comes first, which requires cash. Self-actualization comes after your survival needs are met.


You will need approx 1 month for learning game dev. But for gaining experience, that is so important, you need minimum 1 year.

Yeah you are right, working for other companies or job are odd, I hate it too. I never done it. If you have the power, then start your own industry or solo dev. Its even not hard, its too easy. You did not need any degree, its the old style, now the technology is advanced.


As an experienced game developer, I would say that Nothing is Hard. You just need free mind, time and focus. I just enjoy on creating games, I never thought about how hard I am working, just I let I am telling computer to do something in its language. It is not a serious or hard work at all, it is just fun and challenge. Similar to playing with toys.

As of current tech (youtube, goole, etc), you can easily learn/master game dev in 1 month. But experience is so vital as the mentioned in the previous.


To answer your question, “How long does it take to support yourself as a solo indie developer?”. Nobody knows. Not even you. It’s a path you walk, not the flick of a switch

HOWEVER, there are a lot of factors that go into this question that will determine the answer and I have a lot to personally say.

Number 1: What specific profession/job do you currently work? Why did you choose that position? Depending on your answer, you will already have a core set of starting skills and attributes (or lack therof).

Number 2: Please understand that a job with busy work, bloated hours, consistent paycheck, and a reliable schedule, is a MUCH different lifestyle than being on your own.

If you commit to supporting yourself with your own game dev projects, you must be prepared for the work and dedication it takes.

  • You must be disciplined enough to get things done without a manager looking over you.
  • You must be willing to work more hours than your job can legally assign you + the job you already have.
  • You must learn how to manage your mental health and psyche (I’m serious).
  • You must be willing to fail, A LOT. And not only fail, but truly learn from those failures in order to grow.
  • And much more…

How do I know all of this? Because I’m the crazy person who has their passion project as their top priority even with a job where I work 30-40 hours a week. It took me years, YEARS, just to learn to live the lifestyle required to sustain this. And I’m only just getting started.

My lifestyle is as follows:

  1. Self-care (Sleep, hygiene, food, etc)
  2. Game Development (Currently developing a prototype for a PvP third-person shooter)
  3. My day job + other misc responsibilities
  4. Free Time

I maintain this by first, getting enough sleep via a sleep schedule and naps. Sleep is VITAL for any productive work and mental resilience. I then clean myself; it keeps me in good spirits. Then, I eat some nutritious and delicious food so I am properly fueled and have another thing to look forward to (I’m a foodie).

I wake up around 6-9 hours before my day job shift starts. I use the first hour on self-care. Then, spend around 3 hours working on my game; take a 1 hour break; then work for 3 more hours. Getting plenty done. After that, I nap before work or else I’ll hate existence. I work my shift, go home, have some free time, and go to sleep.

Despite all of this, I love this lifestyle. I’m the type of person who enjoy working over most things. I’m also a creative; I do game design, programming, art/story/world brainstorming, socializing, there’s a lot I enjoy.

On bad days-- Well, to me, there are no bad days. There are challenging days, but I use the frustration as a motivator and remove the anger/entitlement. Took a long time to build that mindset.

For motivation, I always have motivation. Seriously, it’s limitless. It’s been like that for the past 5+ years. What’s stopped me in the past my own engrained bad habits and not studying my own subconscious.

I have too so dang much to say here!

As for learning all this? Well…

  1. It sounds crazy, but study yourself. How you act, what you do, why you do them, what you think, etc. All your actions, conscious and subconscious, come from within. Learn and master yourself. For reference, this took me about a year after I turned 19. (I’m 20 now). You posted this question for a reason… Find it.

  2. Really evaluate what you want out of life. Because what you want is never a material substance like money or a finished product like a game. What you want is an engaging and fulfilling day-to-day life. Even if you don’t achieve your goals, your still living life to the fullest.

  3. Start small. Get into some Godot intro tutorials on GDscript and the engine itself. There’s plenty of resources on the Godot docs website. Work for a long as you feel like it. Even a 10 minute session is better than no progress.

  4. Learn how to learn. What I mean is, get into the habit of understanding how things truly work, what you did wrong, and what you could’ve done better.

  5. You only fail if you quit. To me, I never truly fail. Every time I make a mistake or don’t know something, instead of ruminating over it, I get to the bottom of it. I ask questions, troubleshoot, take a leap of faith, ect, etc. When you make a mistake, get back up. You’ll be fine.

  6. Share your progress, even if it’s shoddy. I still haven’t learned this one, but sharing your stuff is a big motivator. Even if only 1 person see it.

  7. Take constructive criticism. If you share your work, (if your a game developer, you will), understand that constructive criticism is there to help you improve yourself and your project. Plus, it shows the person cared enough to not only play your game, but tell you something to improve. No amount of money could ever replace that.

  8. You can’t do it alone. If you think your a “solo” dev, think again. I’m not talking about having other development team members, I’m talking about your players, your friends, your family, and random commenters like us. You are never alone, never think that you are alone, there are many people here who are here to support you. Use that support and support others where you can.

There’s so much more I can say. There’s so much other people here can add. But at the end of the day, it’s only YOU that can push your life forward. Whether
that’s with a corporation, freelance, or whatever else you might pursue; your the only one that can make it happen.

I want to commend you for posting this question @NightKnight . It shows your willing ask questions that lead to change. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask away on the forum; or better yet, read the Godot documentation.


Hi there,

Very difficult question to answer. I can only answer based on my experience. It’s taken me about 5 months to get my project to the Release Candidate stage where end users in education are using it for learning purposes. I had zero / zip / nada Godot experience before this.

Even now I’m still learning something new every day and improving my program on a daily basis.

The best suggestion I can give is to try and build something simple, fail at it and learn how to correct and improve it. Also if like me your are writing learning or non-traditional gaming apps, write the user manual as you go. It’s easy to document the small changes each day then wait till the end and have the monumental task of writing a user guide. I guarantee you’ll miss something.

My change log has over 1000 entries in it since the beginning and I couldn’t count the number of times I’ve learned a better approach and made sweeping changes.




Thank you for the advice!
There’s an overwhelming amount to learn, and programming is just one small piece of the puzzle. Instead of stressing over immediate success, I think treating game development as a hobby and committing to learning over time might be the best approach for me. Even if it takes years and I don’t achieve huge success, the process itself would be incredibly rewarding, and I’ll gain so much along the way.


Thank you!
Think big and start small huh? :smiley:


Thank you so much for such a detailed explanation!
I’m currently reading through the GD documentation. Getting my feet wet first might be the best way to find the answer to my question.


Thank you for sharing your experience!


Your very welcome. It was so fun drafting up that message because I just got off work and it was made with so much raw emotion before I went to sleep.


No Problem always happy to help.



Very good and insightful post Demetrius! I’ve been around for 53 years and it took me probably 30-40 to learn and establish correctly some of things you mention in your post. Self-care is definitely key. When health goes you lose everything. So many people lose sight of that fact, especially empathetic types. I appreciate you taking the time to share in so much detail, enjoyed reading it!


You’re welcome. :+1: