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Asked By
Kyle J144
I am wonder how I would go about animating a sprite sheet i godot, but I wish the below sprite sheet to move automatically without player input and when the character stops moving then it loads a cut scene.
Note: Your image link is invalid. You linked to the imgur page, not the direct image link. In your case, you’d set HFrames to 8 and VFrames to 1 to slice your sprite sheet.
Sorry, here is the sprite below:
Kyle J144 | 2019-03-21 15:49
I have done the above but the character will not walk automatically
Kyle J144 | 2019-03-22 20:31
None of that makes the animation play - that is how you set up the animation. If you want it to play you need to call play() on the AnimationPlayer, or set the animation to “Autoplay”.