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Asked By | Krasapan |
i tried to do like this, but it doesn’t work.:
Scene.mouse_filter = MOUSE_FILTER_IGNORE
Scene.mouse_filter = Control.MOUSE_FILTER_IGNORE
Scene.mouse_filter = 2
Another problem may be in the signal or in the path to the node, here is the complete code of my script:
onready var MainMenu = $MainMenu
onready var Chapters = $Chapters
onready var Options = $Options
func _on_MainMenu_change_to_chapters():
MainMenu.mouse_filter = MOUSE_FILTER_IGNORE
yield(get_tree().create_timer(transition_duration), "timeout")
MainMenu.visible = false
Chapters.visible = true
Options.visible = false
Chapters.mouse_filter = MOUSE_FILTER_STOP #default value
It should work.
Please describe what happens and what do you want to happen in your project
Inces | 2021-10-14 15:33
nvm I fixed it
Krasapan | 2021-10-14 18:13