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abelgutierrez99 |
Do you know how can I customize the PopupMenu
of a OptionButton
I tried things like option_menu.get_popup().set("font_size", 40)
, but nothing changes. I tried to change font size, but I would also like to change how it looks in general (background, font size and color…).
Reply From: |
jgodfrey |
Are you specifically trying to modify it via code? While that’s possible, the easiest way is probably to create a theme for it, which can be done directly in the editor. Here’s a pretty good overview video on how to do that in Godot 4.x.
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Reply From: |
abelgutierrez99 |
I was trying to modify it under the MenuButton
in my theme. Now I realized that I have to modify PopupMenu
theme instead.
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