How to declare your Ad ID permission as required by Google Play?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By tehgaming

Hey. I’m sure everyone who has published a game on Google Play received an email titled “Action requested: Declare your Ad ID permission”. Could someone enlighten on how to declare permission for my Godot project? I’m not familiar at all with this. Am I supposed to just paste this code somewhere in the project’s manifest? Appreciate it.

<uses-permission android:name=""/>

Godot 3.4.x

  • In the Project Export window for Android, scroll down to Permissions section
  • Change the size to 1 (or increase the size from the existing value) for “Custom Permissions”
  • Add “” (without the quotes) in the value field

Also on the Play Store you need to update the “App Content” settings for “Advertising ID”. Ensure that you enable “Analytics” and “Advertising or marketing”

RashwinBarwa | 2022-08-04 08:43

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: RashwinBarwa

Godot 3.4.x

  • In the Project Export window for Android, scroll down to Permissions section
  • Change the size to 1 (or increase the size from the existing value) for “Custom Permissions”
  • Add “” (without the quotes) in the value field

Also on the Play Store you need to update the “App Content” settings for “Advertising ID”. Ensure that you enable “Analytics” and “Advertising or marketing”


For anyone that still sees the Google message, check if you have an active internal test or closed test with an older version that is missing the permission!