how to disable mipmaps in texture options dynamically

Godot Version

godot 3.5


how to disable mipmaps in texture options dynamically
because i want to gles3 and i want to export the game for android , the problem is the textures turn black on the android device even though everything is allright and ican play it in the godot engine normally, this only happens on the mobile , and i found that the solution is to disable mipmaps in the texture option for each texture and that worked for me , but my scene has alot of textures and i want to apply changes dynamically in the code , i tried but i get errors this the code all the textures are special materials automatically imported with the glb format from blender
for meshh in citytest.get_children():
if meshh is MeshInstance:
for i in range(meshh.get_surface_material_count()):
var materiall = meshh.mesh.surface_get_material(i)
materiall.albedo_texture = null
this does work for applying changes to all the textures inside the scene because i tried to make the textures null and it worked but i dont know how to disable mipmaps which isunder albedo under texture under flags i also want to change the storage to lossy to all of the textures but i dont know how i tried multiple times from whats provioded in the documaentation but nothing works i use the godot 3.5

Better suited to the Help category.

You will have to re-import the textures, I believe you can select multiple textures in the filesystem and change all of their import settings in one go.

Mipmaps are usually a good idea to have, they make distant textures look less grainy; they are also a very basic feature I am surprised mipmaps would ruin even a mobile device’s experience. Eitherway good luck!