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I have a world map (rectangle 1920px, and 1280 high).
I have a player (Area2D) with a Camera2D (240px wide, 160px high) as a child node.
I want to instantiate many mobs at random positions within the world map but also I don’t want them to spawn inside the Camera2D view rectangle (so the player can see enemies popping out form nowhere)
I have this code:
func _spawn_enemies(many: int) -> void:
for i in range(many):
var new_mob: = Mob.instance()
new_mob.global_position = _get_random_spawn_position()
func _get_random_spawn_position() -> Vector2:
var spawn_pos: = Vector2(
rand_range(0, world.rect_size.x),
rand_range(0, world.rect_size.y))
return spawn_pos
The spawing seems to work just right but sometimes a mob appears exactly on top of the player, killing it instantly.
Any suggestions? I thought of while loops and hard code dimensions but I think there just might be a better way.
i think that’s to be expected, because if I can assume the player is somewhere inside the world (so between 0,0 and world.rect_size), that means that randomly picking a spawn position inside that range can end up picking one that just happens to coincide with the player’s position.
an easy way of preventing this would be something like:
var player_pos: Vector2 = #get this somehow from the player object
const safe_range: int = #define this as the minimum distance from the player
func _get_random_spawn_position() -> Vector2:
var spawn_pos: = Vector2(
rand_range(0, world.rect_size.x),
rand_range(0, world.rect_size.y))
if abs(spawn_pos - player_pos) < safe_range: # if we are too close
spawn_pos = _get_random_spawn_position() # just get a new one instead
return spawn_pos
Wow! thank you very much, I have not thought about the safe_range solution. Elegant, simple and effective
UserWaitingForGodot | 2020-04-26 11:18
I had a problem but it seem to work just fine with (spawn_pos - player_pos).lenght() instead of abs(...)