So, I’m creatin my ColorRect object, then I’m rotatin it around some other point at some random angle, and then my mouse clicks are not workin. But I want to be able to click on this rect after rotation. How? I guess, I should somehow update rect’s position. I know I can use RotationMatrix for this, but, it’s not workin also. My code:
extends Node2D
var color_rect: ColorRect = null
func _ready():
color_rect =
color_rect.color =
color_rect.rect_size = Vector2(100, 100)
color_rect.rect_position = Vector2(200, 200)
# choose some rotation point not inside our rect:
var rect_pivot_vec: Vector2 = Vector2(500, 500)
color_rect.rect_pivot_offset = rect_pivot_vec
func _input(event):
if event is InputEventMouseButton:
if event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT and event.pressed:
var mouse_pos: Vector2 = event.position
if color_rect.get_rect().has_point(mouse_pos):
print("clicked on rect!")
func _physics_process(delta):
var deg = color_rect.get_rotation_degrees()
if deg < 45:
color_rect.rect_rotation += 20 * delta
I tried your code in Godot 4 and I got it working by using gui_input signal. I think it should work in Godot 3.6 like this (I marked changes with comments):
extends Node2D
var color_rect: ColorRect = null
func _ready():
color_rect =
color_rect.color =
color_rect.rect_size = Vector2(100, 100)
color_rect.rect_position = Vector2(200, 200)
# choose some rotation point not inside our rect:
var rect_pivot_vec: Vector2 = Vector2(500, 500)
color_rect.rect_pivot_offset = rect_pivot_vec
# Connected gui_input signal
color_rect.connect("gui_input", self, "_on_gui_input")
# Renamed this function
func _on_gui_input(event):
if event is InputEventMouseButton:
if event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT and event.pressed:
var mouse_pos: Vector2 = event.position
# Removed this line
#if color_rect.get_rect().has_point(mouse_pos):
print("clicked on rect!")
func _physics_process(delta):
var deg = color_rect.get_rotation_degrees()
if deg < 45:
color_rect.rect_rotation += 20 * delta
Yeah, it’s working. But can I ask you again one thing, please? What if, I have several such ColoRect’s and I want to get the clicked one inside _on_gui_input func? Cause I need to do some stuff with clicked one.