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I want to know the platform that is running my game, but I want to even know that in HTML5. I mean I want to know if this HTML5 is running on a pc or on a phone.
Class OS has a method get_name() which returns a string identifying the current platform. However, it counts HTML5 as a platform, so this won’t work for your use case.
Instead you could use get_model_name(). It returns the model name on Android and iOS, but returns “GenericDevice” on unsupported (i.e. PC) platforms.
This is an old convo, obviously. But I ended up here while trying to find an answer. So, in case you’re stuck, too, here ya go!
And the code that worked for me:
var scale_factor = 1.0
if OS.has_feature("web_android") or OS.has_feature("web_ios"):
scale_factor = 2.0
$CenterContainer.set_scale(Vector2(scale_factor, scale_factor))