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Asked By | lurgx |
Hello friends, how can I save several positions of different objects in the same dictionary?
I want to save the position and a variable of a music game note together with the other potions of the other notes but I cannot do it
Or I would also like to do something like a print but the print saturates me and it only prints 20 lines
I would like to be able to do the print thing but save it in a text or something to do
var pos = Vector2()
var color = 1
onready var n = preload("res//:rut_of_note.tscn")
func _ready():
var note = n.instance()
pos = global_position
color = 1
print("note.position =",pos)
print("note.color =",color)
I don’t know how I can help you with saving the positions of objects to a dictionary. But if you want to see the positions (along with other information) for nodes, try looking on the “Remote” tab in the scene tree while the game is running. The “Remote” tab shows the scene tree of the currently running game. Click on one of the nodes, and the information for the node will appear in the Inspector.
Ertain | 2021-11-14 01:35