How to use dragonBones with godot?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Bowblend

This feature is really needed. Godot 2d bones animation is worser than DragonBones. OfficIal dragonBones plugin is not working with new version of godot.

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Sky84

Hey !
I’m currently using this plugin GitHub - Ranoller/gddragonbones: Plugin module for Godot 2.1 & Godot 3 Game Engine to use DragonBones
Now it working perfectly :slight_smile:

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: 807

Your answer is the first result in google. I´m Ranoller user at github. I will resume current situation of this module at 2020 for googling pourposes:

To compile with godot 2.0 to 3.0 use the original repo: GitHub - sanja-sa/gddragonbones: Plugin module for Godot 2.1 ... Godot 3.4 Game Engine to use DragonBones ( needed to compile 2.0 )

To compile with godot 3.1 to 4.0 before vulkan merge you can use this repo: GitHub - Ranoller/gddragonbones: Plugin module for Godot 2.1 & Godot 3 Game Engine to use DragonBones

To compile with godot 3.1 to 4.0 after vulkan merge use: GitHub - mauville-technologies/godot_dragonbones: Plugin module for Godot 2.1 & Godot 3 Game Engine to use DragonBones (current maintained repo)

To make it even easier, I’ve also started maintaining binaries for those unable or unwilling to compile it themselves.

Paul Mauviel | 2020-07-05 03:07

I am facing an instance leak warning with the build fo
r Windows 32. Any suggestions?

lamigosay | 2023-04-05 05:02

There’s an extension in the asset library for godot 4.2