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Is it possible to use a Godot game as a client for a SignalR .Net Core server? I am trying to build a game which is similar to Jackbox (use phone browser as a controller).
I’ve been trying to find ways to get SignalR Core working correctly with Godot, and it has been extremely painful to figure out how. Classic .NET SignalR can’t connect to a SignalR Core server (nor vice versa) and I get all kinds of weird build issues any time I try to use the SignalR Core libraries together with Mono. Even though Mono supports .net standard 2.0 and 2.1, there seems to be some sort of compatability issue between the two. I am currently writing a wrapper library in .netstandard 2.1 to see if I can fix this, but so far it’s been hell to debug. I’ll let you know what I find.
Godot 3.2.2-mono works fine, without any problem, with ASP.NET Core SignalR. I have tested it on Windows and Android with success. I use client library Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client for Godot.
How do you make this work with a HTTPS url?
PoisnFang | 2021-02-17 15:55
Now it works with https with some hack, but you can find more information for proper way here.