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Asked By | love_this_name |
I’ve been experimenting with Godot 4’s new Tilemap editor, and I’m enjoying the changes. However, I can’t get y-sorting to work how I’d like with my player and tilemap. I am aware that in Godot 4, Y Sort is now a property of any node that inherits from Node2D.
I have enabled Y Sort on the scene root Node2D that is a direct parent of both the tilemap of the player:
I have these wall tiles on a Tilemap:
The red box is the player whose origin is at the bottom of the sprite.
The walls are on the same Tilemap as the green ground, but on a different Tilemap layer. Each wall tile has a YSort origin properly set:
I have Y Sort enabled on the Tilemap node itself too:
And yet, my player doesn’t go behind the wall tiles
I just want it to look like the player is in between the walls, behind the right ones and in front of the right ones. What am I missing?