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Asked By | siamak-s |
Reply From: | Zylann |
Select the terrain, in the inspector click on “Shader params” to unfold it, you should see a parameter named Ground Uv Scale
, tweak this one.
Zylann, I was watching Youtube videos on your terrain editor, and someone said he read that you had abandoned it. Is that true?
stormreaver | 2022-03-08 20:42
Where did you see that? I’m not updating it as often as it used to be, but I haven’t really abandonned it.
Zylann | 2022-03-12 20:02
It was in the comments section of
It’s good to know that you haven’t abandoned it. I have another question, but I don’t want to hijack this thread. I’ll ask in a different one.
stormreaver | 2022-03-12 20:18