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Asked By | Parjina |
My purpose is running Godot as an environment for machine learning. Since this is required training on thousands of games, I need to run the game without rendering.
I realized that there is a version called ‘Server’ but I want to run it on Windows.
So, is there a way to disable graphics and audio manually?
If the problem is having multiple windows, why can’t you just make your game in a way it can run multiple instances of the “world” within the same application? (this would obviously imply you don’t use singletons, which is one reason people think they are evil :p)
Zylann | 2019-09-05 13:08
To be honest, I didn’t understand what you meant :D. I just want to stop rendering but physics calculations and other things go on. So that calculations per frame increase from 60 to thousands. Is it possible?
Parjina | 2019-09-11 19:15
If running 1000 processes of your game on a Windows machine is what you want, and without a window, see Implement headless (server) version for all desktop platforms · Issue #11389 · godotengine/godot · GitHub
I’m not sure what Godot is even used for in this scenario though, apart from a few scripts and physics (which is actually just Bullet).
Zylann | 2019-09-11 19:17