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if I script a top down game and need a separate idle for RIGHT, LEFT, TOP, DOWN how do i set this that i can have the sprite face a certain way after walking then play the different idle animation
When the Player moves down he is in the WALKDOWN Animation:
if movement.y > 0:"walkdown")
G.player_animation = ANIMATION.WALKDOWN
Then I say, when he is in this Animation and the movement is Zero, the Player has to Play the Idle-animation:
if G.player_animation == ANIMATION.WALKDOWN and movement == Vector2.ZERO:"idledown")
if G.player_animation == ANIMATION.WALKUP and movement == Vector2.ZERO:"idleup")
if G.player_animation == ANIMATION.WALKX and movement == Vector2.ZERO:"idlex")
if G.player_animation == ANIMATION.WALKXF and movement == Vector2.ZERO:"idlex")
I have the player_animation in a Global script because I need it for Scene changing.
Use AnimationTree, it’s an incredibly powerful feature, the best of any game engine imho.
This node gives you numerous methods for handling animations so it takes a little getting used to but from what you describe I would begin by looking at BlendSpace2D. This is like a grid that allows you to position animation points as coordinates, you can then move between the states in a way that corresponds to your character’s direction - which, if I understand you right, is exactly what you’re looking for.
Official tutorial here:
Excellent video tutorial here:
I’ve tried lots of tutorials on Animation Trees and nothing has worked so far can get the jist of it