if there is some way to keep the 3d sprite size the same no matter how far is the camera?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By andresTapa

Hi! what i need to know is, if there is some way to keep the 3d sprite size the same no matter how far is the camera.
I am doing an asteroid 3d game, and i have draw some red boxes in billboard mode to point where are the asteroids, but if the asteroids are far, the red boxes are tinny.

I know i could draw them in a canvas layer with the get_global_transform_with_canvas(), but i really don’t want to take that road.


:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Andrea

in the shader material properties, there is one flag called “fixed size”, i think this is what you are looking for

It’s Fixed Size, not Fixed Side :slight_smile:

Calinou | 2021-08-25 06:43

Lol thank you

Andrea | 2021-08-25 09:59

yes! this did the trick, i had to create a material, but it works! i was going to calculate the distant to the camera and then interpolate to fixe the size, but like every time things get complicate, it’s because somewhere there is a unchecked chekbox. xD ! thanks a lot

andresTapa | 2021-08-25 11:05

yes! this did the trick, i had to create a material, but it works! i was going to calculate the distant to the camera and then interpolate to fix the size, but like every time things get complicate, it’s because somewhere there is a unchecked chekbox. xD ! thanks a lot

andresTapa | 2021-08-25 11:05