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rgbellotti |
When I run the installation exe it throws tons of errors in the terminal and then gives me a blank window, and the installation is not successful.
an example of one of the errors is:
ERROR: ShaderGLES3::get_current_version: Method/Function Failed. returning: 0
At: drivers/gles3/shader_gles3.cpp:354
and many of these are thrown. Am I missing a step in the installation?
Reply From: |
pflat |
The .exe is not an installer, it’s the program ready to be run. The Godot engine is packed in a single binary and it’s portable.
Maybe the reason it doesn’t run is because your graphics card doesn’t support OpenGL ES 3.0. I have a older computer where that happens. If that’s the case, you will be limited to use Godot v2.1.5. That version uses OpenGL ES 2.0.
Support for ES 2.0 is on it’s way (GLES2 AND GDNATIVE, PROGRESS REPORT #5) so you will eventually be able to use the last engine.
BTW, I just saw this question opengl emulator 2.1 and 3.3 that you should check out.
I see, yeah I had a feeling it had something to do with OpenGL 3.0 ES compatibility. I checked which version of OpenGL I had, and found OpenGL 3.3, though after some Googling I came to the conclusion that the “ES” or embedded systems tag made the crucial difference.
Thanks for the answer though I suppose I can try the older Godot version, or experiment with emulation once I figure out more of what that actually means
rgbellotti | 2018-05-13 09:57