Welcome all who’ve recently joined the forums. Nice meeting you! I hope we can build this platform into a good place to nurture Godot ecosystem.
This place is going to be awesome!
We joined the Godot revolution at the right time it seems Everything I’ve seen has been super positive.
The forum has already started exponentially growing, the Godot-ening is coming
Glad I joined, I’ve been using Godot for about 2 years now and I am so happy that the Godot engine is getting bigger!
The new forum is slick! I can already see this place becoming a great repository of knowledge for everyone using Godot.
Hello! i’ve been using Godot for 2 months so far and am really loving it. I am excited to be a part of this community and getting to know you all and also learning a ton of stuff.
Muuch better than some other platform… ( which i also am registered… but never read very much because i think it’s so… overloaded… but that’s maybe just a persoanl preference…)
…so now it’s time to get more into it
Good software. Real sleek!
I believe Godot will get better and better
Hello everybody! I’m excited to see the future of this site.
Godot Engine will never die
Can’t really kill something that is owned by everyone Unlike proprietary software. Remember what happened to “The Machinery engine” where it died and asks everyone else to delete the copy of their software (cmiiw)
I love this new design! It’ll be a pleasure to browse the forum now.
I missed the boat on the old format but I’m absolutely loving this forum! As a person in their 40s, I’ve spent a lot of time in forums over the years. In fact, I pretty much learned ActionScript by trying to figure out how to solve other peoples’ questions on actionscript dot org. I was a mod for a few other forums (a few of which are no longer around). I have to say, I really love the way this forum is structured - to say nothing of how lovely the Godot community tends to be (so I expect to find that here as well). So yeah, everyone!
Edit: Sorry about the link. That was just meant to be plain text (in retrospect I should have known that would get auto-hyperlinked. Fixed!)
im just hoping its no toxic like stackoverflow i have dumb questions
Beginner questions are 100% ok. If someone ever is toxic here, feel free to contact us mods!
This place is awesome!
It’s helpful people like you that make this place awesome!
Seriously, it’s super nice to see how many people in this community go out of their way to help strangers on the internet. It’s not a given.
So a big thank you to everyone here that helps to make this an awesome place