Attention | Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. | |
Asked By | R0dL0d |
hi, i’m doing a game candy-crush like for a school project. And i have gotten this error:
Invalid call. Nonexistent function ‘take_damege’ in base ‘Node2D’.
Apparently i have a function that my script is not reading. They are separated in two scripts but i don’t think thats the problem. the two codes:
func _on_Grid_damage_ice(board_position):
if ice_pieces[board_position.x][board_position.y] != null:
if ice_pieces[board_position.x][board_position.y].health <= 0:
ice_pieces[board_position.x][board_position.y] = null
export (int) var health
func _ready():
pass # Replace with function body.
func take_damage(damage):
health <= damage
So the “take_damage” is been call invalid for some reason
anything that can help i would be grateful.
Edit: heres the principal script:
#state machine
enum {wait, move}
var state
# Grid Variaveis
export (int) var width;
export (int) var height;
export (int) var x_start;
export (int) var y_start;
export (int) var offset;
export (int) var y_offset;
# obstacle Stuff
export (PoolVector2Array) var empty_spaces
export (PoolVector2Array) var ice_spaces
#obstacle signals
signal damage_ice
signal make_ice
#The piece array
var possible_pieces = [
preload("res://Cenario peças/banana.tscn"),
preload("res://Cenario peças/dragao.tscn"),
preload("res://Cenario peças/melancia.tscn"),
preload("res://Cenario peças/tomato.tscn"),
preload("res://Cenario peças/maça.tscn"),
preload("res://Cenario peças/uva.tscn")
# the current pieces in the scene
var all_pieces =[];
#swap back variable
var piece_one = null
var piece_two = null
var last_place = Vector2(0,0)
var last_direction = Vector2(0, 0)
var move_checked = false
# Touch variable
var first_touch = Vector2(0, 0);
var final_touch = Vector2(0, 0);
var controlling = false;
func _ready():
state = move
all_pieces = make_2d_array();
func restricted_fill(place):
#check thepty pieces
if is_in_array(empty_spaces, place):
return true
return false
func is_in_array(array, item):
for i in array.size():
if array[i] == item:
return true
return false
func make_2d_array():
var array = [];
for i in width:
for j in height:
return array;
func spawn_pieces():
for i in width:
for j in height:
if !restricted_fill(Vector2(i, j)):
#choose a random number and store it
var rand = floor(rand_range(0, possible_pieces.size()));
var piece = possible_pieces[rand].instance();
var loops = 0
while(match_at(i, j, piece.color) && loops < 100):
rand = floor(rand_range(0, possible_pieces.size()));
loops += 1;
piece = possible_pieces[rand].instance();
#instance that piece from the array
piece.position = grid_to_pixel(i, j);
all_pieces[i][j] = piece;
print (possible_pieces[rand])
func spawn_ice():
for i in ice_spaces.size():
emit_signal("make_ice", ice_spaces[i])
func match_at(i, j, color):
if i > 1:
if all_pieces[i - 1][j] != null && all_pieces[i - 2][j] != null:
if all_pieces[i - 1][j].color == color && all_pieces[i - 2][j].color == color:
return true;
if j > 1:
if all_pieces[i][j - 1] != null && all_pieces[i][j - 2] != null:
if all_pieces[i][j - 1].color == color && all_pieces[i][j - 2].color == color:
return true;
func grid_to_pixel(column, row):
var new_x = x_start + offset * column;
var new_y = y_start + -offset * row;
return Vector2(new_x, new_y);
func pixel_to_grid(pixel_x, pixel_y):
var new_x = round((pixel_x - x_start) / offset);
var new_y = round((pixel_y - y_start) / -offset);
return Vector2(new_x, new_y);
func is_in_grid(grid_position):
if grid_position.x >= 0 && grid_position.x < width:
if grid_position.y >= 0 && grid_position.y < height:
return true;
return false;
func touch_input():
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_touch"):
if is_in_grid(pixel_to_grid(get_global_mouse_position().x, get_global_mouse_position().y)):
first_touch = pixel_to_grid(get_global_mouse_position().x, get_global_mouse_position().y);
controlling = true
if Input.is_action_just_released("ui_touch"):
if is_in_grid(pixel_to_grid(get_global_mouse_position().x, get_global_mouse_position().y)) && controlling:
controlling = false;
final_touch= pixel_to_grid(get_global_mouse_position().x, get_global_mouse_position().y)
touch_difference(first_touch, final_touch);
func swap_pieces(column, row, direction):
var first_piece = all_pieces[column][row];
var other_piece = all_pieces[column + direction.x][row + direction.y];
if first_piece != null && other_piece != null:
store_info(first_piece, other_piece, Vector2(column, row), direction)
state = wait
all_pieces[column][row] = other_piece;
all_pieces[column + direction.x][row + direction.y] = first_piece;
first_piece.move(grid_to_pixel(column + direction.x, row + direction.y));
other_piece.move(grid_to_pixel(column, row));
if !move_checked:
func store_info(first_piece, other_piece, place, direction):
piece_one = first_piece
piece_two = other_piece
last_place = place
last_direction = direction
func swap_back():
if piece_one != null && piece_two != null:
swap_pieces(last_place.x, last_place.y, last_direction)
state = move
move_checked = false
func touch_difference(grid_1, grid_2):
var difference = grid_2 - grid_1;
if abs(difference.x) > abs(difference.y):
if difference.x > 0:
swap_pieces(grid_1.x, grid_1.y, Vector2(1, 0));
elif difference.x < 0:
swap_pieces(grid_1.x, grid_1.y, Vector2(-1, 0));
elif abs(difference.y) > abs(difference.x):
if difference.y > 0:
swap_pieces(grid_1.x, grid_1.y, Vector2(0, 1));
elif difference.y < 0:
swap_pieces(grid_1.x, grid_1.y, Vector2(0, -1));
func _process(delta):
if state == move:
func find_matches():
for i in width:
for j in height:
if all_pieces[i][j] != null:
var current_color = all_pieces[i][j].color
if i > 0 && i < width - 1:
if !is_piece_null(i - 1, j) && all_pieces[i + 1][j] != null:
if all_pieces[i - 1][j].color == current_color && all_pieces[i + 1][j].color == current_color:
match_and_dim(all_pieces[i - 1][j])
match_and_dim(all_pieces[i + 1][j])
all_pieces[i][j].matched = true;
all_pieces[i + 1][j].matched = true;
all_pieces[i + 1][j].dim();
if j > 0 && j < height - 1:
if all_pieces[i][j - 1] != null && all_pieces[i][j + 1] != null:
if all_pieces[i][j - 1].color == current_color && all_pieces[i][j + 1].color == current_color:
match_and_dim(all_pieces[i][j - 1])
match_and_dim(all_pieces[i][j + 1])
all_pieces[i][j].matched = true;
all_pieces[i][j + 1].matched = true;
all_pieces[i][j + 1].dim();
get_parent() .get_node("destroy_timer").start()
func is_piece_null(column, row):
if all_pieces[column][row] == null:
return true
return false
func match_and_dim(item):
item.matched = true
func destroy_matched():
var was_matched = false
for i in width:
for j in height:
if all_pieces[i][j] != null:
if all_pieces[i][j].matched:
emit_signal("damage_ice", Vector2(i,j))
was_matched = true
all_pieces[i][j] = null
move_checked = true
if was_matched:
func collapse_collums():
for i in width:
for j in height:
if all_pieces[i][j] == null && !restricted_fill(Vector2(i, j)):
for k in range(j + 1, height):
if all_pieces[i][k] != null:
all_pieces[i][k].move(grid_to_pixel(i, j))
all_pieces[i][j] = all_pieces[i][k]
all_pieces[i][k] = null
func refill_columns():
for i in width:
for j in height:
if all_pieces[i][j] == null && !restricted_fill(Vector2(i, j)):
var rand = floor(rand_range(0, possible_pieces.size()));
var piece = possible_pieces[rand].instance();
var loops = 0
while(match_at(i, j, piece.color) && loops < 100):
rand = floor(rand_range(0, possible_pieces.size()));
loops += 1;
piece = possible_pieces[rand].instance();
#instance that piece from the array
piece.position = grid_to_pixel(i, j - y_offset);
piece.move(grid_to_pixel(i, j));
all_pieces[i][j] = piece;
func after_refil():
for i in width:
for j in height:
if all_pieces[i][j] != null:
if match_at(i, j, all_pieces[i][j].color):
state = move
move_checked = false
func _on_destroy_timer_timeout():
func _on_Collapse_timer_timeout():
func _on_refil_timer_timeout():
Pieces script:
export (String) var color;
var move_tween;
var matched = false
func _ready():
move_tween = get_node("Sprite/move_tween")
pass # Replace with function body.
func move(target):
move_tween.interpolate_property(self, "position", position, target, .3,
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
#func _process(delta):
# pass
func dim():
var sprite = get_node("Sprite")
sprite.modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, .5);