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Today I was downloaded the nightly build to test. But it’s not running. my pc is not compatible with Vulcan i think. So is it the end of my godot journey…?
Technically, for the editor, all hardware from the past decade supports either GLES3 and Vulkan. The main problem is that some of it (older Intel IGP) does not support OpenGL 3.x on Windows (though it does on Linux). Because of this, we are considering shipping the Windows version of Godot editor running on top of ANGLE (the same wrapper Google uses to run WebGL on Chrome). So, if you can run WebGL2 in your browser, you will be able to run Godot.
On MacOS, as OpenGL is being deprecated, we will also supply builds based on ANGLE (over Metal this time) so the editor and exported games using GLES3 continues to run.
You can follow the progress of the angle PR here: PR #44845. Looks like it’s currently backburnered until the OpenGL3 renderer is complete.
So, GLES2 support is effectively dead in Godot?
Not necessarily. It will be kept alive in two ways:
Godot 3.x will be maintained for a long time so, if you require GLES2 you can use this version.
Godot 4.x may support GLES2, but not necessarily out of the box. Some contributors want to work on it, so we may still add limited support for those who need it (may be switched off by default, though to save binary space). Keep in mind this will most likely be focused on 2D and may only support rather simple 3D.