is there a way of making a sprite in 3D that always faces the player?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By DarkShroom

is there a way of making a sprite in 3D that always faces the player, like in Doom for example?

So like how the imps fireballs would be done for example?

I’d still want it in 3D so it is obscured by scenery etc, and scales based on distance from the camera

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:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: SIsilicon

A Sprite3D or its animated equivalent sounds like like what you’d want. They pretty much act like their 2D counterpart along with some other features. However facing the player or the “billboard effect” is not one of them. To enable that you’ll need to give it a custom SpatialMaterial. In the material’s parameters section there is a setting called Billboard Mode. Set it to enabled and the 3D Sprite shall always face you.

thanks found it!

DarkShroom | 2018-11-13 00:36

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In case someone searches for the billboard effect many years later this topic was created and wondering how to do this in Godot 4 (like myself) :

Billboard effect is now a default feature for a Sprite3D node that you can enable from Inspector menu:

SpriteBase3D → Flags → Billboard (default is disabled)

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